
8 Tips For Hosting A Bible Study

June 26, 2023 · by LaDonna Harrell

8 Tips For Hosting A Bible Study

We have gotten away from the charm of inviting people into our homes. Let’s get back to that.

I would love to open your eyes to the possibilities of how God can use you. And just maybe, that is hosting Bible Studies in your home.

There are many options that you can do. Purpose in your mind that you will step into this and begin doing something right now for the Kingdom of God.

•Maybe you’re a pastor’s wife and would like to begin hosting a Prayer Breakfast on Saturday Mornings.

•Perhaps you’re a stay-at-home mom who would love to connect with other Christian Moms, and you decide to host a coffee gathering.

•Maybe you and another lady from your church would like to partner together to host bi-weekly or monthly gatherings for other women in the community.

Whatever your choice is, I want to encourage you to put action to your faith and do it.

Hosting a Bible Study in your home to a group of women is a beautiful way to glorify God and help create unity amongst each other.

Here are 8 tips to help you begin a Bible Study.

#1 – Pray

Of course, we always pray but pray specifically about the Bible Study you are wanting to host. Ask God for direction. Pray that the women attending will be open and receptive. Pray that everyone has a great time and can enjoy themselves. Ask God for favor!

#2 – Create A List

Make a list of things that need to be done. You may still forget something, but creating a list will help you stress a little less.

#3 – Choose Your Study or Devotional

Do you have a favorite devotional that you enjoy? You could start with that. Another great resource to use is a Christian blog. There are many Christian blogs that have beautiful devotionals.

#4 – Choose A Location

Where do you plan to host your Bible Study? There’s something so special about hosting a Bible Study in your home, but if that isn’t going to work for now, there are other options: a friend’s house, a coffee shop, your local church, or even the park.

#5 – Set A Date And Time

Now that you’ve got some of the other things figured out, think of a date and time that works best for the group that you plan to host. Also, figure out how often you will host this. Be sure to stick to that schedule as best you can.

I host a luncheon for working women and I know that evenings are not always best for them. Lunch is the best time when they can be spiritually fed and physically fed. It’s amazingly fun and it works for my group!

#6 – Invite Your Friends

Don’t just assume that people will show up. You need to personally invite people. Even your closest friend. Start sending out text messages, invite through Facebook, or mail a personal invitation. Invite people however you feel is the most personal and natural way.

#7 Create A Schedule

Figure out what kind of flow you would like to have and then create a schedule for your eyes only. This will help you know what to actually do when people arrive.

#8 Show Hospitality

Have snacks, a few candles burning and perhaps quiet music in the background. Smile, interact and have a welcoming atmosphere. The ladies who attend will soon look forward to the gatherings that you host. They will know that your home is a place to feel loved.

Most of all, Have Fun!

I hope these 8 helpful tips on how to host a Bible Study will help you get started, wherever you feel led to do it. You can do this, and I know that God will honor your efforts.

If you would like additional help in learning how to begin a Bible Study, I have this resource that has helped many pastor's wives and women in ministry begin! You can take a look at the Bible Study Hosting Bundle here. 

LaDonna Harrell

About LaDonna Harrell

LaDonna Harrell lives in Magnolia, AR with her amazing husband and wonderful son. She loves to travel around the Unites States with her family, reading, being a mom and wife, playing the piano, decorating, and studying God's Word. Being a southerner, LaDonna's love for hospitality, decorating and southern charm shines through. She enjoys hosting Women's Bible Study luncheon's in her home. She and her husband work in many areas of their church, including teaching a Biblical Finance Class, and enjoy being "hands-on" in the ministry and Kingdom of God. She is the owner of the blog Faith Family and Miracles, where she provides resources and speaks to woman about real life issues of being a Godly mom and wife. Follow LaDonna on Facebook at facebook.com/faithfamilyandmiracles

Website: www.faithfamilyandmiracles.com
