
A Christian Mom's Guide to Starting the School Year Strong

July 31, 2024 · by LaDonna Harrell

As the summer starts to wind down and the excitement of the new school year begins to buzz, it's time to start thinking about how we can set our children up for success. Preparing for back-to-school doesn’t just involve new supplies and updated wardrobes—it’s a holistic approach that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. Let's dive into some practical tips to make this transition as smooth and joyful as possible.

Night Before Preparations

1. Set Up for Success
Before you tuck your little ones in for the night, take some time to get things organized. Lay out their school clothes, pack their backpacks, and prepare any lunch items that can be prepped in advance. This reduces the morning rush and helps everyone start the day on a peaceful note. A well-prepared evening routine can lead to a much smoother morning!

2. Create a Calm Environment
Evenings can be a great time to establish a calming routine. Consider a short family devotional or a quiet time with a bedtime story that reflects Christian values. This can help your child wind down and feel grounded. Creating this calming environment also helps them rest better, which is crucial for a successful school day ahead.

3. Review the Day Ahead
Before bed, have a brief discussion about what to expect the next day. Talk through any new activities, subjects, or friends they might encounter. Reassure them that they are prepared and supported, and encourage them to start the day with confidence and joy.

Morning of Preparations

1. Start with a Healthy Breakfast
A nutritious breakfast sets the tone for a productive day. Here are three quick and easy breakfast ideas that are both healthy and delicious:

Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of granola. It’s packed with protein and fiber to keep them full and energized.

Overnight Oats: Combine oats with milk or a milk alternative, chia seeds, and a bit of honey. Let it sit overnight in the fridge, and in the morning, top with fruits or nuts.

Egg Muffins: Whisk eggs and mix in veggies, cheese, and a bit of ham or bacon. Pour into muffin tins and bake. They can be made in advance and reheated quickly.

2. Stay on Schedule

Help your child stick to a routine by waking up with enough time to eat breakfast, get dressed, and have a few minutes for a positive start to the day. Consider using a visual schedule to help younger children understand and follow their morning routine.

3. Morning Devotional

Begin the day with a short, uplifting devotional or prayer. This can be a powerful way to center their minds and hearts before they head to school. It helps them start the day with a sense of purpose and divine guidance.

Easy Lunch Ideas

Packing a healthy lunch doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some easy and nutritious ideas that your child will enjoy:

Wraps: Use whole grain tortillas filled with lean meats, cheese, veggies, and a light spread. Roll them up and slice into pinwheels for a fun, bite-sized lunch.

DIY Lunchables: Pack a small container with whole grain crackers, cheese slices, and turkey or chicken. Add a side of fruit and some baby carrots for a balanced meal.

Pasta Salad: Cook some whole grain pasta and mix with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a bit of feta cheese. Add a simple olive oil and lemon dressing for extra flavor.

Mentally and Spiritually Preparing Your Child

1. Encourage Positive Thinking

Help your child focus on the positives of the school year. Remind them of their strengths and past successes. If they have any worries, talk through them calmly and offer reassurance. Encourage them to use positive affirmations and remind them of God's love and support.

2. Spiritual Preparation

Pray together about the school year. Ask for God’s guidance and protection over their studies and interactions. Encourage them to start their day with a prayer, asking for wisdom and strength. Having a small, portable Bible or devotional book can be a great reference for them throughout the day.

3. Foster Resilience

Teach your child that challenges are opportunities for growth. Emphasize that God is with them through every situation, whether it's a difficult subject or a tricky social interaction. Foster a mindset of resilience and faith, which can help them navigate the ups and downs of school life with grace.

As you prepare for this school year, remember that each step you take is guided by God’s grace and love. Here’s to a year full of growth, joy, and abundant blessings for both you and your child!

A Prayer for a Blessed School Year

Dear God,

We come before You with grateful hearts as we prepare for this new school year. We lift up each child and ask for Your divine protection and guidance over them. Surround them with Your peace and wisdom as they embark on this journey of learning and growth.

Lord, we ask that You grant them the strength to face any challenges, the courage to embrace new opportunities, and the joy to appreciate every moment. Fill their hearts with Your love and their minds with Your truth, so that they may reflect Your light in all they do.

Bless the teachers, staff, and all who support our children in their education. May they be instruments of Your grace and kindness. And as Christian mothers, grant us the patience, wisdom, and faith to guide our children with love and encouragement.

We trust in Your plan and rejoice in the hope You provide. Thank You for Your constant presence and unfailing love. In Jesus’ name, we pray.


LaDonna Harrell

About LaDonna Harrell

LaDonna Harrell lives in Magnolia, AR with her amazing husband and wonderful son. She loves to travel around the Unites States with her family, reading, being a mom and wife, playing the piano, decorating, and studying God's Word. Being a southerner, LaDonna's love for hospitality, decorating and southern charm shines through. She enjoys hosting Women's Bible Study luncheon's in her home. She and her husband work in many areas of their church, including teaching a Biblical Finance Class, and enjoy being "hands-on" in the ministry and Kingdom of God. She is the owner of the blog Faith Family and Miracles, where she provides resources and speaks to woman about real life issues of being a Godly mom and wife. Follow LaDonna on Facebook at facebook.com/faithfamilyandmiracles

Website: www.faithfamilyandmiracles.com
