
A Heart of Gratefulness

November 14, 2015

Have you ever been caught up in the whirlwind of life and felt as though you could find no tranquility, peace or gratefulness?

Have you ever wandered aimlessly through the motions of life and feel like you’re heading absolutely no where with no one? We are all human and have experienced thoughts of doubt about our sole purpose in this world and goals in life. I have recently re-evaluated the types of people I associate myself with to be intentional about the influences I allow into my life. We should really take into consideration who we have surrounded ourselves with and how they are impacting our lives. I say that with utmost sincerity as there are people who can revolutionize our spirits just by their spoken words of passion and dreams.

We should ask ourselves: How and where are the people close in my life leading me?  These can be close friends that are family, fellow students, co-workers, church family, or even your neighbors.  But whatever type of friendship they hold, how are they influencing you? Specifically in terms of your personal life and how they influence your future goals and ambitions. I have always reminded myself of a quote I once heard, “bad company ruins good morals.” The same principle goes for the law of complacency and ambiguity.  The two components simply don’t mix. So after awhile, one force will eventually overthrow the other in life and one spirit of complacency can spoil a fiery soul of passion and dreams. It’s like that person you meet at the coffee shop once every month to catch up and all they seem to want to talk about is trivial matters or gossip about others.  And then you leave feeling depressed and uninspired.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. {Proverbs 17:22}

To have a grateful and inspired heart, ask yourself if the friends that you have surrounded yourself by exemplify these key character qualities:

  • Speaks words of encouragement towards your personal dreams
  • Challenges you to be a better YOU and to always strive for more
  • Never takes “no” for an answer in giving up
  • Not only talks about their new dreams & passions but they also accomplish them
  • Always willing to drop everything they are doing, even when it’s inconvenient, just to help you in a time of a need for moral support and help
  • Is always positive and never a “Negative Nancy” towards life
  • Brings you a “just because” gift or sends a letter of encouragement in the mail
  • Tells you how appreciative they are for your friendship
  • Speaks of the Lord and all His goodness
  • Has a heart that is purely selfless and thoughtful of other that are less fortune
  • Prays for you, cries with you, and laughs with you through all the seasons of life
  • They are genuinely concerned when they ask, “How are you?” and what’s going on in your life
  • They “do” more than they “say”
  • Always speaks good of others
  • Spends time seeking God in prayer for wisdom
  • Reads the Word of God daily
  • Can still smile and have joy in the midst of chaos

The next time life gets you down and you feel as though you are in desperate need of the antidote for encouragement, make sure that you have surrounded yourself by friends of loving faithfulness. Be cautious in your friendships with others and wise in how they are leading you — be intentional about having a heart of gratefulness!

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. {Proverbs 13:22}
