
A “How” Check

February 05, 2024 · by Whitney Gothra

When it comes to your daily Bible reading, I have been learning that it’s less about WHAT you are reading and more about HOW.

The Bible says “ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV

Every single thing you read will build you up. It will strengthen your foundation. It will convey elements of beauty and truth and light. It will illuminate an aspect of God. (Even the weird parts!)

So, as long as you are reading the living Word (and endeavoring to savor all of it), don’t get caught in a trap that you have to read x amount of verses or chapters or books a day. Don’t compare your study time to someone else’s. Don’t become enslaved to a Bible reading chart. It’s simply a tool to help you meet your goals. It should help you with your HOW. 

The HOW is where it’s at! We are to come to God’s Word:

  • with faith to believe - John 20:30
  • willing to be changed - 2 Timothy 3:16
  • every day - Deuteronomy 17:19
  • willing to be pierced - Hebrews 4:12
  • eagerly - Acts 17:11
  • ready to memorize it - Psalm 119:11
  • day and night - Joshua 1:8
  • with intent to obey - James 1:22
  • with a hunger - Job 23:11
  • with joy and rejoicing - Jeremiah 15:16
  • consistently - Deuteronomy 11:18-19

If you find yourself opening the Word just to check it off your to-do list, or if you find yourself feeling shame, defeat, boredom, or duty, it may be time for a HOW check.

We are called to read and feast and delight in the entire Word and to live by it. Yet, if we come to it with a heart out of proper alignment and unwilling to be changed, it will be of none effect.

If your HOW is right, the WHAT will lead you to life abundantly.

So, go ahead dear sister, open those beautiful pages today and see what God has in store for you.

Whitney Gothra

About Whitney Gothra

Whitney Gothra and her husband Timothy have been married for around fifteen years, and they have three sweet and spicy girls, Ruby, Selah, and Marigold. They pastor the Apostolic Church of Wabash in Wabash, Indiana. You can connect with her on Instagram @theflourishstudio or online at whitneygothra.com.
