Dear sweet girl, I know the hurt you carry each day.
I know the hours you fret over your abilities. I know the opinions you have formulated of yourself based on your negative thought processes. I know the dreams you hide away because you feel unworthy to have them. I know, because once upon I time, I was there too, and here is the truth I wish to share with you…
You are beautiful, you are special, you are a gift, and you are enough!
This year, I pray that you accomplish all the academic, spiritual, athletic and personal goals you set for yourself. Most of all, I want you to know your worth and live in it fully every day. You are not less than the girl next to you, regardless of what the world around you whispers into your confidence. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you have a heavenly Father who has prepared the way for you.
Be bold. Be brave and be fearless in your pursuit of happiness this year.
Start each day with Jesus and make every choice understanding that you aren’t alone. There will be bad days and you may fail more than once. That’s okay; it doesn’t mean you should give up. . . . It just means you should re-evaluate your approach! Just keep getting up and trying again; don’t give in. Show up and put in the hard work, serving God where you are, and you will find your reward.
Speak life and encouragement to yourself. Speak the truth that Christ has embedded deep in your spirit, not the lies the enemy plagues your mind with. No one else gets to decide who you are and what you can be, only Jesus–and that gives me great hope.
“Set your mind on things above, not earthly things” (Colossians 3:2).
I want you to become the girl that I didn’t know I could be, the one others say you can’t be. The world needs to meet her! I want you to believe that you deserve more. Changing your mindset is the hardest part of the battle! I want you to unapologetically enjoy living, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I matter!” Reach higher and step into your greatness.
You my sweet girl, are worthy of love, worthy of friendship, worthy of laughter, and worthy of every single dream you’ve ever dreamed. It’s all about you and Jesus. He says you are loved. He says you can. He says you are enough. He says you are worthy, and He says you are known.
“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).
This is my New Year’s Resolution to you, darling girl: Be all that He intended you to be, and as you change your mindset, your reality will be enlightened to a whole new possibility of greatness.