
A Recipe for Lemonade with 2020's Lemons

December 28, 2020 · by Guest Writer - Allison Cox

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”

I’ve heard this old adage my entire life. More recently, I’ve seen it popularized on social media memes, signs, and even notepads. I love the positivity behind the sentiment. It serves as a simple reminder to make the best of what you’ve been given.

We can’t change the challenges that we’ve been given. The circumstances resulting from a worldwide pandemic have definitely been out of our control. However, we can take steps to make something good out of something unexpected.

2020 has been a tough year for many of us, and I don’t think it's a stretch to say we have definitely been given some “lemons.” Those lemons may have come in the form of canceled plans, postponed vacations, job change/loss, or financial challenges.

The process from lemons to lemonade can be as simple as time spent in prayer for wisdom, and a perspective change.

Lemons: having to unexpectedly homeschool

Lemonade: Spend extra time in prayer for your sanity ;) -- then be thankful for the extra time with your children.

Lemons: canceled vacation

Lemonade: Continue saving and plan more things to do on your vacation with the extra money.

Lemons: job loss

Lemonade: Make a financial plan, cut your current spending, and then consider starting your own business.

A Recipe for 2020 Lemonade

- 1 bowl full of unexpected circumstances

- 2 heaping tablespoons of a good attitude

- 3/4 pitcher full of prayer

  1. Squeeze all of the good out of the unexpected circumstances.
  2. Add to pitcher 3/4 full of prayer.
  3. Mix in two servings of a good attitude.
  4. Stir well, and serve cool!
Guest Writer - Allison Cox

About Guest Writer - Allison Cox

A Louisiana native turned Californian, Allison Cox is the pastor’s wife at The Rock Church of the North State. She is passionate about writing, crafting, and sharing the good news that Jesus still changes lives.

If she could share her heart with every teenage girl, Allison would say that living for God is truly the BEST life, and God has plans for your life that are far greater than you could ever imagine.

You can find her on Instagram @mrs_ncox
