
Are You Showing Up For Your Life?

April 08, 2022 · by Heidi Stewart

Have you ever read Scripture that you’ve heard and read all your life, but it jumps out at you in a new, sometimes surprising, way?

This happened to me when I was reflecting on that famous chapter in Proverbs - the one about the woman.

We build sermon series around what makes a Proverbs 31 woman, and we use that moniker often when describing women that we admire and want to emulate.

Sometimes it is hard to draw applications from what Scripture has said and paste it onto our modern life. We have to be careful to let Scripture interpret Scripture and listen to the voice of God as we prayerfully study. I’m nobody special, and I desperately need God’s Word and wisdom. Instead of skimming through Proverbs once a year, I’ve been attempting to take time every day in slow, deliberate study, and it has greatly enriched my life.

While I was reading and reflecting on this particular chapter not long ago, I was struck multiple times by what a hard worker this woman was. Sun-up to sun-down she “looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness”.

Many of us read that and say, “Well, I’m definitely not eating the bread of idleness; I’m running full speed as soon as my feet hit the floor.”

We’re all busy people. Places to go, things to do. Some of us are working, volunteering at church, going to college, raising a family, or some combination thereof. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being busy, but is it productive busy or busy with time-wasters? We’re busy with Kingdom work of eternal impact. It needs to be done. Reaching, teaching, cleaning the church, practicing, planning, and praying are VITAL. We can’t slow down, especially in this hour! But we can be more purposeful and make our busy matter. The Proverbs 31 woman didn’t live a life of leisure or waste. She also didn’t run around foolishly just doing things on a whim. It says she planned and considered her purchases.

Ladies, precious women of God, we need a time audit. 

No excuses. If some important priorities are suffering because we’re too busy, we need a re-evaluation. If it means dropping some other things or waking up 30 minutes earlier, so be it. God has given us this life and it’s worth showing up for. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling, playing comparison games, getting frustrated, weary and burnt out, you might need a time and priority audit. Number one above all is our relationship with the Most High God. Our faithful friend and Father. When that relationship is secure, the rest takes its rightful place. Next, we have to plan and consider our purchases both financially and time-wise! What irreplaceable minutes of your life are you exchanging, and is that return worth it?

The Proverbs 31 woman didn’t complain about her life. I’m sure there were things she couldn’t change, there always are. She simply made the most of it. There are situations that we cannot change, but we can be a faithful and diligent servant even in that season. There are so many examples in Scripture; Joseph was sold into slavery and worked for a wicked woman who was out to destroy his character. Yet he had an excellent spirit and remained diligent.

If there are things you find yourself frustrated with, don’t work yourself into a frenzy worrying and wrestling to change it. Do the will of God right where you’re at and watch Him bless your socks off.

I felt the Lord tell me a few months back, “If you’ll be busy about my house, I will take care of yours.”

He clothes the lilies; we have no need to worry. 

The Proverbs 31 woman was not afraid, she had done the hard work and feared God, trusted Him enough to know He would provide.

If we show up every day and do the work, God will take care of us.

Heidi Stewart

About Heidi Stewart

Heidi Stewart is from Del City, Oklahoma, where she and her husband serve in music ministry and as youth workers alongside some of the best people in the world. She has a passion to educate, inspire, and help others reach their full potential through mentoring and discipleship. Her heart’s desire is to live a purposeful life, giving glory to Jesus in all of it, by serving the Kingdom with excellence. Follow Heidi on Instagram at @heidistewarttt
