
Blind Faith

April 29, 2022 · by Tiffany Strebeck

A few months ago my husband and I were facing a situation with his job. We didn’t know what was going to happen, and we had been praying that God would show us the right road to take, the right decisions to make. One day my husband came home from work and told me he’d gotten a word from the Lord. Driving down the road in his work truck, God had simply told him,

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

Armed with our word from God, we set out to do just that: to trust Him. It wasn’t long before we saw God begin to move on our behalf. Everything didn’t go perfectly smoothly from beginning to the end, but we saw God’s hand move in every step. Little did we know, this simple statement from God would soon begin to take on new meaning. What we thought was only a word for then, turned out to be a word for weeks later, months later. We’re still standing tall on what God told us.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

Since the day my husband heard those words, for what we thought would be a ‘simple’ job situation, my family and I have experienced two hospital stays, one major surgery, 9 doctors visits, one emergency room visit, two urgent care visits, mysterious infections, illnesses that hindered our church ministries or attending church, and, even today, my daughter was fitted with a walking boot due to a foot fracture. In the past month, I’ve been in the local radiology department three times! We’ve had leaky sinks, flat tires, insurance grievances, a blown up microwave, and a suddenly disabled washing machine.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

In the midst of the turmoil and chaos, we’ve also seen God open doors that should certainly have been shut tight. We’ve seen procedures approved immediately, appointments open up right on time, blessings come from multiple avenues, bills get paid, paychecks that didn’t stop coming, and doctors and nurses that became friends who we were able to be a light to.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

We had no idea when God gave us that little promise how our lives would be turned upside down. Sitting at the bar in my kitchen, drinking coffee and typing this blog, I can honestly say that I have zero idea what tomorrow will hold. Something or someone may break, and I may grow a few new gray hairs, but what I do know for sure is that whatever comes my way, God is going to take care of us.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

See, we didn’t know back then that so many things would be thrown our way. I didn’t know I would struggle with distraction and stress in the midst of it all. We just knew that God was asking us to trust Him. We made a simple decision to trust Him, and we have seen Him move in ways we never dreamed. I’ve heard stories of people whose bills were paid because someone walked up and handed them an envelope. I’ve heard testimonies of God breaking down barriers that would prohibit surgeries or care that was needed. I believed them all, and I rejoiced! But this time, it wasn’t a story from someone else. It was my story, my family’s story, and nothing could have increased my faith the way these past few months have.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

In blind faith, we made a decision to trust God. One small decision, one promise, and God has shown His glory in so many ways. I’ve not taken one step that I didn’t know God was walking with me. Life hasn’t been sunshine and roses. I can’t tell you that trusting God means we never face tough situations, or that we won’t have bad days and heartache. Blind faith requires trusting Him when we can’t see what the future holds and sticking close to Him when life throws us curveball after curveball.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

It’s a promise that God made to us and we cling to it each day. When it rains or when the sun shines, I know that if I put my trust in Him, He won’t fail me. I may stumble under the weight of life at times, but when I’m trusting God, I know that He will help me bear the load.

“If you’ll just trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

Tiffany Strebeck

About Tiffany Strebeck

Tiffany Strebeck has been married to her husband for 14 years and is a mom to 3 wild kiddos and a plethora of chickens. She is a stay-at-home mom/homeschool teacher. Tiffany worships with the praise team at her home church, Sandy Lake United Pentecostal Church. She recently discovered a passion for teaching girl’s bible studies. She drinks too much coffee (if that’s even a thing) and loves to bake the day away or get lost in a good book. She is a writer at heart, stating, “nothing compares to letting my heart flow out into words”. She has self-published three books and has a blog at dayinthelifeof5.wordpress.com. Check out her Facebook and Instagram: ’Day in the Life of 5’.
