
Caleb + McKenzie: Rustic, Industrial Textile Mill Wedding

May 05, 2020 · by Brittany Douglas

DJ Blog: McKenzie, thank you for allowing us to share some details from your special day on our blog! For starters, how would you describe your wedding decor and theme?

McKenzie: Honestly, I don’t know that I could say I had a “theme,” but if I could describe the decor in three words, they would be “simple, elegant, and rustic.” That sounds so silly, but really! I wanted very simple decor to let the beauty of my venue shine. The white brick walls, hardwood floors, and tons of windows were a dream. My decor included a lot of dark wood details, greenery, white, and a little bit of pink here & there.

DJ Blog: What are some of your favorite memories or details from your special day?

McKenzie: My absolute favorite moment from the day was right before I walked down the aisle, when my dad came to get me out of the bridal suite. I hadn’t been nervous the entire day, but when the wedding started, the bridal party left the room and I was there alone -- that’s when the nerves really set in! My dad came to get me to walk me down the aisle, and when he opened the door, he looked at me and just broke. If you know my dad, you know he’s a pretty tough-looking guy, but he started weeping! It was so sweet, and I will always treasure that moment we had together.

DJ Blog: During the planning process or your actual wedding day, were there any funny moments or times things didn’t go as planned?

McKenzie: A couple of months before the wedding, Caleb and I came up with the idea to surprise everyone with our secret handshake during the ceremony. We practiced all the time just to make sure we had it down 100%. When our pastor gave Caleb the infamous “you may now kiss your bride,” we did our handshake before kissing!! Everyone loved it, and it ended up being my favorite part of the wedding.

DJ Blog: How did you find the perfect wedding dress?

McKenzie: This was probably the most stressful part of wedding planning for me. I went to three different places and just couldn’t find anything that I loved. It just seemed like none of the consultants could really grasp what I wanted. I actually cried at one place because I was so frustrated (dramatic, I know). Finally, I decided to try this random place I found in a Google search (I hadn’t wanted to go there earlier because, well, it was kind of in a bad part of town), but beggars can’t be choosers, so I went! I fell in love with the first dress I tried on.

DJ Blog: Is there any advice you would like to share with future brides out there?

McKenzie: RELAX. Enjoy the process!!! I stressed myself out over so many things that ended up working out perfectly. When the day actually comes, all you’re going to care about is walking down the aisle. Have fun & try not to sweat the small things!

DJ Blog: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your wedding or love story?

McKenzie: Besides the fact that my husband is a dream? So many of our guests have told us that our wedding was the most emotional wedding they’d ever been to -- literally everyone was crying! We decided to write our own vows, and Caleb’s just blew me away. They were like, five pages long, bless his heart, but so heartfelt and sweet. I just love him! There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

DJ Blog: Thank you so much for your time, McKenzie. Before we go, we’d love to know who your photographer was!

McKenzie: Jordan Vines Overton with Vines Photography!

The Southern Bleachery is located in Taylors Mill, South Carolina. It was once an old textile mill, but now serves as a festival and event space.
The Southern Bleachery is located in Taylors Mill, South Carolina. It was once an old textile mill, but now serves as a festival and event space.
The secret handshake that McKenzie & Caleb performed for their family and friends...just before sealing the deal with "the kiss."
The secret handshake that McKenzie & Caleb performed for their family and friends...just before sealing the deal with "the kiss."
A nice, comical surprise from the groomsmen.
A nice, comical surprise from the groomsmen.
Brittany Douglas

About Brittany Douglas

Brittany Douglas married her high school sweetheart in 2013 and has one child, Waylon West. She studied music at Indiana Bible College and is now a stay-at-home mom and youth pastor's wife.

Brittany and her husband serve at the Temple of Pentecost under the leadership of Bishop Wayne Huntley and Pastor Bryan Ballestero. They are also on the UPCI NC district youth board.

In her free time, Brittany can be found antiquing, taking pictures, or sipping on an iced latte in a downtown cafe window seat. She is passionate about the things of God, her family, and living life to serve and encourage others. Follow her on Instagram at @brittdougs.
