
Catching Up

June 06, 2022 · by Whitney Gothra

If you are reading this blog post, there is a good chance that you started the year with a Bible reading plan. However, statistics show that most people have already fallen off their plan by February, let alone through June. As we start the summer and near the halfway mark of 2022, it’s the perfect time to get back in a Bible reading routine if you’ve fallen off recently. Below I’m listing a few of my favorite ways to catch back up after getting behind in your reading plan. I’d love to hear what works for you in the comments on our Instagram post!

- Set your alarm for thirty minutes earlier each morning. If you’re reading the Bible through in a year, most days’ readings take no more than 15 minutes. So you’ll be able to knock out a couple days at a time with this method.

- If you’re way behind, start reading today’s schedule. Then each day, read that day’s reading and one or two from when you first got behind. Then you’re starting a brand new streak of consistency while also catching up.

- Listen to it. I much prefer reading, but sometimes listening is the best way to get it in on busy days. I love the Dwell app. It tells how long each book or section takes. Then I give myself that amount of time to listen and clean, rock the baby, drive to appointments, or take a walk.

- Give yourself some old fashioned consequences. I remember growing up I couldn’t watch a cartoon after school if I hadn’t made my bed that morning before school. Sadly, I think that was the only season in my life I consistently made my bed. Maybe set yourself some limits to make sure you’re on track. No Instagram until you’ve read that day’s reading or no Starbucks run until you’ve gotten caught up to a certain point. Hey, whatever it takes!

Now it’s your turn - what helps you catch up when you’re behind? Or what are you going to try this week to get caught up? Let us know over on Instagram!

Whitney Gothra

About Whitney Gothra

Whitney Gothra and her husband Timothy have been married for around fifteen years, and they have three sweet and spicy girls, Ruby, Selah, and Marigold. They pastor the Apostolic Church of Wabash in Wabash, Indiana. You can connect with her on Instagram @theflourishstudio or online at whitneygothra.com.
