
Dainty Jewell's Foundation: Global Missions

September 23, 2022 ยท by Anyssa Hessler

As you may know, we were able to accomplish a long-time goal of ours this year; we were able to launch our very own foundation: The Dainty Jewell's Foundation. We are more than a dress company here at Dainty Jewell's. We want to leave an eternal impact for future generations to come by making the world a better place, one dress at a time.

Each quarter, the foundation selects a giving focus and this quarter's focus is Global Missions. We are so excited to partner with a variety of missionaries all across the globe. A number of needs were brought to our attention, and because of all the amazing support received through donations and sales from the foundation collection, we are going to be able to meet them! Dresses, keyboards and gift cards are being prepped and packaged to be sent to Africa, Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Rwanda, Egypt & the Philippines.

Not only are we working to bless the congregations and communities these missionaries are working with, but we are also working to bless their children. A big part of our Global Missions focus is missionaries' children. These children grow up in foreign countries far from the rest of their families and they serve right alongside their parents. Their childhood looks a lot different than ours and so we want to encourage them and bless them with some of our favorite dresses and gift cards.

The more support the foundation receives, the more give-back projects we are able to take on. Every dress purchased and donation made truly makes a difference! We can change the world when we all work together. There's still time to donate or shop our foundation collection to support these needs. Join the cause at daintyjewellsfoundation.org

Thank you for your continued support! Please follow along on our Instagram and Facebook for updates on these projects and more! 

Anyssa Hessler

About Anyssa Hessler

Anyssa Hessler is Dainty Jewell's' marketing & social media manager. She lives in a small town and old home in Indiana with her husband, Alec and children Reyna & Everett. She and her husband serve as youth leaders at The House of Prayer. She enjoys making a mess in the kitchen, treasure hunting in thrift stores, and testing her green thumb. Find her on Instagram @anyssa.hessler.
