
Editing Your New Year Resolutions

January 10, 2024 · by Anyssa Hessler

Are you someone who makes New Year resolutions? I don’t have a vision board with goals outlined with detailed steps, but I do have a short list on my phone of items I want to focus on this year. This list consists of things I want to improve on (like studying the Word), projects I want to accomplish (like removing the dated wallpaper in my master bedroom) and try for the first time (like sourdough - along with half of the woman population). What are some of the goals you have set for 2024?

I was listening to a podcast recently that talked about whether or not the goals we set are selfish. Ouch. Who wants to admit they may be selfish? In order to determine whether or not your goal is selfish, you simply have to ask yourself: who is the outcome for?

Do I want to read the Bible completely this year so I can add it to my Christian checklist? Or do I want to know His Word so I can share it with confidence with others I encounter?

Do I want to update my home so I can share it on social media to watch the likes and compliments roll in? Or do I want to have a beautiful, welcoming home to fellowship with others?

Do I want to make sourdough to satisfy myself by adding a new skill to my belt? Or do I want to make it to have something in hand when I step outside of my comfort zone and introduce myself to a neighbor I’ve been neglecting?

See what happens when you change your perspective?

Take out your goal list for 2024 - or if you haven’t started one, now is the perfect time! Go through your list and double check your motives. Are they rooted in selfish desires for acceptance or pride? You may need to erase a few goals completely, but most likely, they just need to be slightly altered. Pray over your list and ask God to change your perspective and to align your motives with His.

I’m so excited for 2024! I know God has great things in store for you. I pray you have a blessed year!

Anyssa Hessler

About Anyssa Hessler

Anyssa Hessler is Dainty Jewell's' marketing & social media manager. She lives in a small town and old home in Indiana with her husband, Alec and children Reyna & Everett. She and her husband serve as youth leaders at The House of Prayer. She enjoys making a mess in the kitchen, treasure hunting in thrift stores, and testing her green thumb. Find her on Instagram @anyssa.hessler.
