
Embracing Summer with Our Children: Cherishing Each Season Together

July 22, 2024 ยท by LaDonna Harrell

As the warm embrace of summer envelops us, I find myself reflecting on the precious gift of time we have with our children. It's a season where laughter seems to echo louder, where little feet patter more freely, and where memories are woven with the golden threads of sunshine. As Christian mothers, we are called to steward the beautiful lives God has entrusted to us, and summer offers a special opportunity to do just that.

Scriptures to Guide Our Hearts:

1. Psalm 127:3 - "Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him."

This verse reminds us that our children are not merely a responsibility but a blessing from God Himself. Each moment we spend with them is a gift we should cherish.

2. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Here, God instructs us on the importance of teaching our children about Him and His ways in all aspects of life.

3. Proverbs 22:6 - "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

This verse emphasizes the significance of our role in shaping our children's upbringing and nurturing them in a manner that aligns with God's principles.

4. Ephesians 6:4 - "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."

While addressed to fathers, this verse underscores the importance of nurturing our children with love and Godly guidance.

5. 3 John 1:4 - "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

John's words resonate deeply, highlighting the joy that comes from seeing our children grow in faith and righteousness.

Seizing the Joy of Today:

In the whirlwind of daily life, it can be easy to postpone moments with our children until "tomorrow" or "next week." Yet, as mothers who treasure our children, we understand that today is a gift to be embraced fully. None of us are promised tomorrow, but we are assured of today. 

Let's make the most of every opportunity to create lasting memories with our children, whether we find ourselves in the midst of sleepless nights with newborns, navigating the adventure-filled days of toddlers, guiding curious minds through childhood, supporting through the turbulent teenage years, or preparing to send them off as young adults into the world.

Every season of parenting brings its challenges and joys, and each is a testament to God's grace and wisdom. Let's relish the baby giggles that fill our days, the wonder in a child's eyes as they explore the world, the conversations that deepen as our children grow older, and the quiet pride in watching them mature into individuals of character and faith.

Embracing the Seasons of Motherhood:

As we embrace the summer sun and the warmth it brings, let's also embrace the season of motherhood we find ourselves in. Let's find joy in the chaos, peace in the routines, and gratitude in the little moments that make up our days. God has entrusted us with these precious souls, and He equips us with the strength and wisdom we need for each season.

Let's pray for patience and grace, seek wisdom from God's Word, and surround ourselves with a community of fellow mothers who understand the journey we are on. Together, let's celebrate the privilege of raising children who are not just our own but are ultimately His.

This summer, let's commit to being present, to savoring every fleeting moment, and to nurturing our children's hearts with the love of Christ. For in doing so, we not only enrich their lives but also deepen our own faith and gratitude for the blessings God has bestowed upon us.

May this season be filled with laughter, learning, and love as we walk hand in hand with our children, embracing the beautiful journey of motherhood that God has graciously given us.

LaDonna Harrell

About LaDonna Harrell

LaDonna Harrell lives in Magnolia, AR with her amazing husband and wonderful son. She loves to travel around the Unites States with her family, reading, being a mom and wife, playing the piano, decorating, and studying God's Word. Being a southerner, LaDonna's love for hospitality, decorating and southern charm shines through. She enjoys hosting Women's Bible Study luncheon's in her home. She and her husband work in many areas of their church, including teaching a Biblical Finance Class, and enjoy being "hands-on" in the ministry and Kingdom of God. She is the owner of the blog Faith Family and Miracles, where she provides resources and speaks to woman about real life issues of being a Godly mom and wife. Follow LaDonna on Facebook at facebook.com/faithfamilyandmiracles

Website: www.faithfamilyandmiracles.com
