
Every Moment Holy

August 07, 2023 · by Whitney Gothra

Colossians 3:17: And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

Romans 11:36: For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 

Colossians 3:23: Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

What would our lives look like if we started treating every moment as holy unto the Lord? What if we endeavored to glorify Him through our every mundane act? What if we made our very lives our worship? What if our 9-5 job was our offering to Him?

This concept transformed the way I saw motherhood.

There are days that I feel this fire - that I want to change the world. I want to do something that matters, that’s powerful, that grabs God’s attention. I want to do something that feels important. Yet, my reality is that I wake up each morning and fix breakfast for hungry kids. One usually complains about what’s on her plate and one usually needs seconds and thirds. I teach reading and math to one, letters to another, while holding a squirmy baby. I cut up grapes, and kiss scrapes, and brush out tangles, and change diaper after diaper. I clean up messes made by little humans all day while I’m covered in drool and glitter and who knows what else. My days feel so packed, and yet I get to the end of the day and wonder what did I do today? What difference did I make? And then I get up every few hours through the night to start all over again the next day.

That sums up most of my moments. It can sometimes feel like a daily blur of mundane moments. But when I realize that every moment is holy, my days look quite different.

I wake up and get to fix breakfast for hungry kids. I have everything I need to feed and clothe these miracles that the doctor said I may never have. I get opportunity after opportunity to shape and mold and care for the next generation of powerful women that God has a plan for. I can choose to model the selflessness of Christ, I can yoke up with Him and be strengthened with His faithfulness. I can care for my body and my home and steward what He has given me. I can do the unseen, mundane acts knowing that He sees and He delights in me. I can stand at the sink as I do dishes and say, “Jesus, this is where You have planted me. Let me live this life as an act of worship to You. Take joy my King in what You see. Let my life be an offering. Let me do all things well to give You the glory due Your Name.”

I know the enemy likes to distract me. How much glory would He take from God if he could tempt me with the idea of wanting to do what my flesh viewed as important or powerful? Yet, what could be more important than giving God my best right where He has placed me?

God doesn’t look at our days and classify them as holy or secular. He doesn’t label our callings important or unimportant. We get to choose to set our ordinary days apart as holy by living them as unto Him. And what delight we must give Him when we honor Him with our days instead of wishing them away for some other path or season or calling!

Whatever you’re doing today, dear friend, may you be encouraged that it is your offering to God. Every big act and every small one, every monumental moment and mundane task - every moment can be set aside as holy unto the Lord. May you find Him in your every moment today.

Whitney Gothra

About Whitney Gothra

Whitney Gothra and her husband Timothy have been married for around fifteen years, and they have three sweet and spicy girls, Ruby, Selah, and Marigold. They pastor the Apostolic Church of Wabash in Wabash, Indiana. You can connect with her on Instagram @theflourishstudio or online at whitneygothra.com.
