
For the Church-going Mom

July 23, 2021 · by Andrea Long

My husband and I are at a youth conference this week. It’s been years since we’ve been to a large conference like this and the first time we’ve attended with children. I found myself reminiscing a little about the freedom I enjoyed as a young, single woman or even as a newlywed. As I wrestled 2 toddlers up to stadium seats, watched them constantly to make sure no one fell off the steps, and fought to keep my clothing straight from little chubby fingers, I thought to myself, this isn’t as fun as it used to be. Then I felt guilty as I watched my boys worship so sweetly.

I passed another mother in the hall and commented on her adorable babies. She made a statement that helped me more than she could know. She said in paraphrase, "it would definitely be easier to stay home, but I remember that this is just season".

I thought quite a bit about what she said. It’s easy to get so bogged down in the here and now, to become overwhelmed with the struggle of it all. But it’s just a season. Those babies will grow older and the stress of babyhood and toddlerhood will ease. Momma, you will be able to get something out of church again. Your little ones are getting the best training possible. Don’t stay home from that church service, if possible. It may be difficult now, but faithfulness always pays off. Those babies are learning, growing, and watching you, sweet momma, to teach them to pray, to worship, to fall in love with Jesus.

It’s just a season but an imperative one.

Keep living for Jesus, Momma.

Andrea Long

About Andrea Long

Andrea Long is wife to Clinton and mommy to Clark and Chantry. She is editor and manager of The Dainty Jewells Blog and part of the marketing team of Dainty Jewells. She is also a Registered Nurse turned stay-at-home mom of her two precious boys. Her life is full of adventure as she travels full-time with her evangelist husband and little ones in a "tiny home on wheels". She enjoys decorating her small space, time with her family, holistic health, a good book, a strong cup of coffee, and as much time at her piano as possible. Andrea considers herself very blessed to live this life for her Faithful Friend. Follow Andrea on Instagram @andreagrindlelong.
