
Growing Into Who You Were Created to Be

March 14, 2015

My 84-year old great-grandmother smiled as she took me on a tour of her impressive garden. Her body then bent over the rows of soil as she happily inspected each healthily growing plant. Such a lovely sight it was! Homegrown vegetables: squash, peppers, tomatoes — you name it! What beaufty that had come from those months of prior planning: planting, weeding, and watering each day. After many days of perseverance and care, she had the wonderful fruits of her labor to show for it.

This special time with my Mee-Maw made me consider our lives here on earth, where God has specifically “planted” us for such a time as this. He envisioned us as we would be in full bloom, at our full beauty and potential. Although He is the planter, I think we, as intentional women, should consistently challenge ourselves to grow, not only in the natural areas of life, but more importantly, into who the Lord would have us to be.

Oh, but growing pains are a bother! Have you ever heard the quip, “every flower must grow through dirt”? Well, it’s true. Growth isn’t always a pretty process. But push upward.

Breakthrough and grow into who you were created to be.

Not only should we grow spiritually, but in the natural realm, it is important to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, too. I know from personal experience that it is a struggle. It’s frustrating to realize that growth takes time. Remember, something doesn’t grow completely overnight…It only grows in small daily increments. But it grows consistently.

I know all of you have the potential to breakthrough and grow into who you were created to be, and that it will be something lovely; I can’t wait to see the finished product!
