
It’s Not Over

March 23, 2015

Have you ever felt as though you are in a desolate, dry season in life where every aspect seems nearly hopeless? Like you’re wandering alone and aimlessly through a desert of despair? As if all that’s around you is a never ending sand storm blocking your vision of a clear and sunny forecast? If so, you aren’t alone.

There have been times in my life when I have felt as though I have been abandoned, lost and even questioned God.  Of course, the big question I’ve asked God is, “Why?” Why did this happen?  Why does the storm seem to never end?  Or, when?  When will this struggle ever end?

After months of allowing my faith to dwindle from current circumstances, I was discouraged and doubtful. I enabled the adversary to plunder my faith during church services only because of twenty-five people in attendance.  I allowed my worship and praise to fade because, after all, nobody appeared to truly carry the weight of worship — so why should I?  Besides, isn’t it easier to just stay in your comfort zone or blend in with the crowd?  Or, the bigger question: is there a blessing in staying in your comfort zone?  I think the answer is clear: no.

Faithlessness is one of the most deadly elements that can create a spiritual cancer. Because without faith it is impossible to please God. I have had to acquire faith in the driest and most desolate stages of my life.  Despite my emotions or difficult circumstances, I’ve had to fight for faith.  Sometimes in our own human nature, we cripple our faith in God through rational philosophy just as I did.

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” {Matt. 19:26}

“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.  In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.” {56:3-4}

Once you understand the power of prayer, then we will understand there is a limitless God.

The solution is verbalizing God’s Word through prayer. Since the Bible and prayer are two entirely indispensable components, they work hand-in-hand. Prayer is the syringe that injects a strong dose of faith and power in us that is an integral part of living. During the times of perplexity, the everlasting Word of God reassures us that He still has a plan for you and me.  Regardless of our situations, He still calls us to move forward.

Why?  Because God isn’t finished.  He still makes old things new, repairs broken lives, and turns our morning into dancing and our sorrow into joy. This is why is imperative that we understand how to muster up our faith during the dry seasons of loneliness.

In order to unleash your faith with bigger prayers and bigger visions, you must have greater perspective of a God.  We all have questioned our qualifications and abilities at one point or another.  But, instead of saying, “Who am I?”  replace it with “Here I am, Lord…Let Your will be done.”  Know that the Lord is abundantly bigger than any problem; He is exceedingly capable of any situation whether it be small or large. The key is consistency in prayer and reading the Word. All God asks of us is one simple request: Just believe in Him.  He is the alpha and omega to the most impossible, unimaginable dreams.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” {Romans 8:38-39}

During these dry, desolate seasons, I could have easily let my current circumstance plague my mind with extreme doubt.  But once I took it to the feet of the Master in prayer and cried out to Him, I was in awe of the inexplicable peace that surpassed all understanding. Every legendary woman of God has had to make the dynamic choice to get out her comfort zone in order to make a perpetual impact. To worship when no one else is worshiping; to pray when it’s hard to pray, and jump out of the row and dance when no one else is dancing.  Trust me — I have been there and know the kind of fear of “stepping out.”  But, while you are marching forward victoriously during your dry season in life and freely worshiping, you are building your faith and others in God.  The Lord honors those who aren’t ashamed to be bold in worship and glorify Him!

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” {Romans 8:28}

I have learned that God can use anyone during any season of their life if they devotedly turn to Him. He can resurrect dead dreams, restore damaged faith, that births a revival with a small home mission church! It only takes one person to kindle a fire of revival in their church.  During the hard time of spiritual lows, I came to the realization that God wasn’t the problem — it was me. When I trusted to place my problems in His hands, in return,  He gave me peace, faith, and strength in my heart.

If you are experiencing a dry season of doubt, discouragement, confusion, or fear, can I encourage you today to give it to the Lord in prayer.  He can mend your broken faith just as He rescued mine. Just trust Him through it all. He will carry you along the way and it will all unfold gloriously before your eyes.

If anything, know this: It’s never over when God is in it.

Trust Him.
