
Living Your “It”

July 06, 2014

On my personal blog this week, I shared a very special and personal email from one of my dearest friends. One thing she mentioned at the very end of her note was a statement that has resonated within me deeply all week long:

You’re making your “it” happen and it matters!

My “it”?

Yes, my “it.” I’ll refrain from going into detail about what that little word entails in my own life, for it would be quite a lengthy dissertation. However, my sweet friend’s encouragement reminded me of Esther 4:14 (ESV), “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)

Most of us are probably quite familiar with the story of Queen Esther, the Old Testament Jewish maiden who rose to prominence in her day not only for standing up for her beliefs, but for using her intelligence to save an entire nation of people. She did not sit back and hide in fear in her lovely palace home, she didn’t have gossip sessions about the man who was plotting to kill her people. What she did do was find a private place of prayer, called out to her most trusted mentors and family members, briefed them on the situation and asked them to intercede, as well.

I know I talk and write a lot about purpose, passion, and living life in such a way that only you as an individual can. That’s because I honestly do believe that every.single.one of you has a specific purpose that can be fulfilled only by you. God created each of us uniquely, all equal in his sight, yet completely original.

Queen Esther had an “it.” It was her destiny, of sorts. Her “for such a time as this.” A time for what? A time to do what God called her do; a time to shine for the glory of God; a time to be who she was made to be. My wonderful friend helped me to realize that my dream is more than a dream: it’s my own personal “for such a time as this.”

Dear reader, you have your time, also. You may be too young to know exactly what it is right now. You may have an idea of what it is but are still seeking direction. You may know with certainty what your “it” is, but are afraid to leap into the unknown. Perhaps you’ve been living your “it” for quite sometime. Regardless of what stage you are in the process, I want you to know that your “it” has value. You do matter, and don’t think for one minute that if you ever stop believing in “a time as this” people won’t notice. They WILL. And it WILL be detrimental to both you and your observers.

You are on this earth right now, today, this moment, for a reason. Your birth wasn’t an accident – God has had an intended plan for your life since before you knew your name. You have been called, you have been chosen. Your life is an integral part of the Kingdom of Christ. Don’t let the peer pressure of non-Christians at your school influence you to make choices you know are contrary to your purpose; don’t allow Satan entrance into your mind by reading ungodly books, putting evil things in front of your eyes, or listening to music that does not edify. Be strong, be courageous – believe in God and who He created you to be.

Don’t be afraid to make a difference, to stand out, or to reach for the “it” in your life.

Make your “it” happen…it DOES matter!

