
Making Your Home a Haven

October 05, 2020 · by Whitney Gothra

Leaves are changing, pumpkin spice is infiltrating everything, and pictures of homes impeccably decorated for fall are popping up everywhere on my social media feed.

I absolutely love it. One would think there would be only a few ways to arrange pumpkins and fake sprigs of leaves and signs that say “It’s fall, ya’ll,” but I’m constantly seeing new ideas that make me want to go out and buy yet another pumpkin.

Decorating your home for the changing seasons and upcoming holidays can be so much fun. Yet, adorning your walls with art, your couches with fluffy blankets, and your counters with flickering candles alone can’t turn your home into a peaceful haven. As we are adding in touches of fall to our homes, it is the perfect opportunity to spend some time working on the atmosphere of our homes. While it takes more intention than physically decorating, creating a home that is centered on God and feels like an oasis of peace will bless your family more than all the pumpkins and leaf garlands in the world.

There are so many ways to foster a peaceful atmosphere in your home. Keep reading for a few simple, easy-to-implement ideas! 

1. Dedicate Your Home

To dedicate is to set apart to a definite use or to commit to a goal or a way of life (source). We have special services for baby and family dedications; why not spend some intentional time dedicating our homes back to God? This can be as simple as setting aside some time to pray together as a family over your home, or you can even grab some oil and anoint the doors or outside walls of your home. Set your home apart for His glory. Ask for an army of angels to encamp around your property. Pray for God’s will to be done in your home and family. Be clear about what the purpose of your home is. Decide boundaries for what you will allow in your home and what you will keep out.

Setting your home apart for the glory of God isn’t just an act of worship. It’s an added spiritual protection to your family. It is much easier for your children to learn to guard their hearts in a home that has been guarded and filled with God’s presence from the beginning. It is also an avenue of blessings. Giving God complete access to your home allows Him to move freely, and with His presence comes peace and joy and freedom.

2. Center Your Routines Around God

You don’t have to add a whole bunch of extra items to your daily to-do list to create a God-centered, peaceful home. The main thing is simply to invite Him in. He’ll then bring all the goodness that comes with His presence.

One way to invite Him in on a daily basis is to make Him a part of your regular routines. What are some things you do every day in your home? Mealtime? Start each meal in prayer or mention what you are thankful for before you get up from the table. Dishes? Tape up scriptures by your sink to memorize or sing a worship song each time you run the dishwasher. Bedtime? If you have children, you can add books about God into their nightly book rotation or have them take turns praying before they go to sleep. My two-year-old prays nightly for her “bites and paci.” I mean, how is a mom supposed to break her of the pacifier habit when she so consistently prays for them? Ha!

The idea is that it doesn’t have to be hard. Find what you’re already doing routinely and look for ways to point back to God.

3. Add Worship and the Word

The media we consume has the power to shape our families. We have to filter through enough secular influences outside of our home during work and school. Carefully choosing and curating the media allowed in our homes can create a haven for our families. Play worship music through your speakers, switch out some of the cartoons for some kids worship videos on YouTube, and listen to the Bible (I love the Dwell app!) instead of a news podcast.

One beautiful thing about 2020 is the influx of digital media created by churches and people following after God. So many churches archive their services on Facebook or their websites, new podcasts pop up every day, and you can find nearly every style of worship music being played on YouTube and iTunes.

Fill your home with the sounds of worship. God’s Word said He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). So let’s invite Him in!


A peaceful home is one of life’s greatest blessings. In a peaceful, God-centered home, you can feel His powerful presence, you can find shelter from the chaos of the world, and you can rest in safety and security.

So as we’re lining up pumpkins on our mantels and lighting our fall candles, let’s take a few moments to shift the atmosphere in our homes. Let’s invite the King of kings inside and make space for Him to dwell. Create a refuge for our families. Let’s turn our homes into peaceful havens filled with the presence of God.

Whitney Gothra

About Whitney Gothra

Whitney Gothra and her husband Timothy have been married for around fifteen years, and they have three sweet and spicy girls, Ruby, Selah, and Marigold. They pastor the Apostolic Church of Wabash in Wabash, Indiana. You can connect with her on Instagram @theflourishstudio or online at whitneygothra.com.
