
Moms That Pray Together: An Interview with Lauren Johnson

September 21, 2022 · by Andrea Long

Here at the Dainty Jewell's Blog, we love featuring real women who are being intentional and making a difference in the world. Today we are honored to interview Lauren Johnson, the lady behind the brand Moms That Pray Together. Welcome, Lauren, and thank you for joining us today!

Lauren, we love to see your encouraging posts for moms on Instagram! It's so exciting to see someone create a community for young mothers who are raising their kids to be followers of Jesus. First of all, who is Lauren Johnson? Can you tell us a little more about you, your background, and a few of your favorite things?

LJ: First, I want to say thank you for this opportunity. I love everything Dainty Jewells is about! I am honored and humbled. I married my high school sweetheart, and next year we will have our 10 year anniversary. We have two fiery little girls - ages 2 and 4 -that keep us very busy. I’m a Sunday School teacher for the toddler class at my church (we had 22 toddlers last Sunday!). I’m also an ultrasound technologist and I take call at a few hospitals in town. I’m mainly with my girls and get to make my own work schedule which has been such a blessing. Of course, I can’t forget Moms That Pray Together; I find joy in helping others that may be going through things alone and need encouragement.

We understand that you created the online community "Moms That Pray Together" after a heavy season. Can you tell us a little more about that?

LJ: Yes. Very soon after I had my second daughter (2 weeks to be exact) the world seemed to shut down due to the corona virus. We also decided to sale our home shortly after that, so we had a lot of changes going on, including a newborn. I didn’t realize what I was experiencing at first, but soon realized I might be dealing with postpartum depression. I struggled with what to do with that realization. In the midst of that I had grown far from God. I was still attending church (mainly online at the time), but not really spiritually there. I decided I needed to get close to God again. My prayer life became my priority again, and, through that, He began to work through me. He healed my emotions and gave me a burden to help others. He took my pain and in return gave me purpose. Through all that I started Moms That Pray Together.

Wow! What a testimony! Not only do you have a social media group for moms, but you've also written a book and have a podcast! Can you tell us a little more about those projects?

LJ: I am mainly on Instagram. I do have a Facebook, but I really need to learn how to use Facebook better. My husband always jokes with me because I am so technologically illiterate for my age. I did write a prayer book. My favorite thing that we do on the Moms That Pray Together Instagram is the weekly prayer requests I post from my followers. Through that I was able to get a good idea on a lot of things that moms want prayer for. Then the idea of creating a book of prayer to help mothers pray for each other came to life. I pray that it has been a blessing to others. Yes, I also started a podcast and that was fun. Although it was not easy to get out of my comfort zone on that one. I wanted to share the stories of mothers that I knew could be a blessing to others. I want to continue to help mothers uplift and support each other in any way possible.

Is there someone in your life who has been inspiring in both your work and your walk with God?

LJ: I am surrounded by so many amazing, godly mothers - my mom, Granny, Nana, pastor’s wife, sisters, and friends. I have been beyond blessed with great examples. I do want to say that my Granny has been such an amazing, constant example in my life. She is just the right amount of sweet and sass. She goes above and beyond to help others. She is so strong that she beat cancer twice. And she has the best sweet tea and southern cooking around.

What kind of advice and/or tips would you give to another young woman who is struggling as a mother?

LJ: First I would want to say that if you are feeling alone, you are not. No mother is perfect and we all go through similar feelings at times. We all struggle. Don’t internalize your feelings. Find a mama that you can trust and lean on them. Most importantly, give it to God. He wants to help you and He is for you.

Do you have any more books or awesome projects up your sleeve? :D

LJ: I’m always praying for God to use me in the way He wants. I am focusing on sharing other mothers stories, testimonies, and burdens more. And I actually do have something I really want to see come to life in the near future. Stay tuned for that secret project.

How exciting! Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you or your business?

LJ: Yes, I do not feel qualified to do any of this. Mainly because I am not. Not on my own. If not for God, I am nothing. I want everything I do to glorify and uplift Him and His Kingdom. I pray that through all of this that someone can be reached and saved.

    What a beautiful ministry you have for today's moms, Lauren! Thank you so much for sharing your story and burden with us today. You can follow Lauren on Instagram @momsthatpraytogether and find her prayer book on Amazon here

              Andrea Long

              About Andrea Long

              Andrea Long is wife to Clinton and mommy to Clark and Chantry. She is editor and manager of The Dainty Jewells Blog and part of the marketing team of Dainty Jewells. She is also a Registered Nurse turned stay-at-home mom of her two precious boys. Her life is full of adventure as she travels full-time with her evangelist husband and little ones in a "tiny home on wheels". She enjoys decorating her small space, time with her family, holistic health, a good book, a strong cup of coffee, and as much time at her piano as possible. Andrea considers herself very blessed to live this life for her Faithful Friend. Follow Andrea on Instagram @andreagrindlelong.
