
Peace and Pole Vaulting

August 24, 2020 · by Allison Cox


A horrified gasp rippled through the stands. The thin, fiberglass pole that had supported her weight only seconds ago snapped in half. Angelica Bengsston flipped backward, crashing into the foam mats that surrounded the vault bar.

Angelica had just experienced the nightmare of every athlete who has ever attempted the pole vault: a catastrophic pole failure. At the crucial moment when she fully trusted the pole to propel her over the obstacle, the pole had crumbled.

Thankfully, when we as Christians face obstacles, we never have to worry about a “God-failure.”

Because in crucial times, God will never crumble under the weight of your troubles.

Instead, He encourages us to lean on Him: “Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Especially in times like this, uncertainty and fear can easily keep us trapped on the sideline, too afraid to trust our weight even to an unbreakable God.

Philippians 4:7 tells us, "The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

From pandemic to parenting, we have rest always available to us in God’s perfect peace, knowing that He is in control. He can handle our struggles, our failures, and our inadequacies. There is no peace like knowing that God will not fail us, even under our greatest weights.

Take comfort today in knowing...the God in whom you put your trust will never fail. 


And as for Angelica? She got up from that spectacular tumble, frustrated but unhurt, with one more try at the event that could so easily have bested her.

Racing down the pitch, gripping a new, untested pole in her hands, Angelica launched herself back into the air.

And set a new world record. ❤

Allison Cox

About Allison Cox

Allison Cox was born in southern Louisiana. She is now an evangelist’s wife who travels full time with her husband and two children, Madilyn and Noah. Between homeschooling and reorganizing her RV, Allison enjoys writing, reading fiction and self-help books, cold weather, and any kind of craft she can find on Pinterest. 

While pursuing her Associates degree, Allison found much to her surprise she enjoyed her Public Speaking classes. Now she has incorporated what she learned into speaking to teen girls. Her desire is to encourage them to reach their full potential in God. If she could share her heart with every teenage girl, Allison would say that living for God is truly the BEST life, and God has plans for your life that are far greater than you could ever imagine. 

You can find her on Instagram @mrs_ncox
