
Redefining Love

January 26, 2015

King David, the man after God’s own heart, stated, “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” {Psalms 27:4}

From eternity — God loved you, predestined a plan for you, and created you for a distinct purpose.

Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He already knew you and had ordained you by birth (Jeremiah 1:5). He already had the key that would unlock the blueprint to every aspect your life. He contains a book to your life that records page-by-page of your every tear, action, and deed. The same infinite God that created all of heaven and all of earth has created you and me to respond to Him, just as nature and heaven did when He created them. Only He can write word for word and page by page of each chapter to your life.

Recently, I have come to notice a trend among young girls as a mirror reflection from what I used to be. It appears they are prematurely searching for something that will bring fulfillment and complement their lives: love. Although all human existence requires a desperate need to be loved, the need to validate one’s existence by a significant other is not necessarily a requirement and has often been misunderstood.

As a seventeen-year-old girl, I was enthralled by fashion, looks, dating, social media and the like. Finally one day I came to the realization that none of those trends mattered and began to embark upon a journey of greater love. I decided to intimately know my Creator and told Him I would let Him write my tale of a greater romance. I decided to stop writing my own story of life and love and let God be my Author, even if it would mean sacrificing my wants or comforts, handing over the pen and paper for Him to write my story. And that, my friend, is when I found a heavenly love and satisfying life.

Your heart will never be satisfied until you turn to the One who created it. All human existence requires a desperate need to be loved, but there is only One Savior that can only fill the void in your heart.

Did I lose friends? Yes, absolutely. But in return, I gained something priceless: my Savior, my Lord, my best Friend, and ultimately true love. In those times of earnestly seeking Christ, I fell in love with His Word and discovered the heart of my Creator. Then, I started to journal and would take it with me everywhere. I would write my fears, prayers, desires, and burdens to God. Had I known about the raw meaning of love in the earlier years of my life, I would have never participated in casual dating and keeping up with the popular trends of life because seeking to please God matters so much more than seeking earthly pleasures.

Instead of trying to schedule God into your life, schedule your life around God. Love was never intended to be self-serving, self-admiring, and self-satisfying. Your heart will never be satisfied until you turn to the One who created it. All human existence requires a desperate need to be loved, but there is only One Savior that can only fill the void in your heart. It’s heartbreaking to see the young ladies of this generation get the caught up in the futile dating cycle of constant confusion, heartbreak, regret, and compromising Biblical standards. Searching for self-serving love will never satisfy the soul. You can only feed the desires of the flesh so much, until it will eventually run out like a car out of gas. Dear reader, if you feel lonely and inadequate in your singleness, tell God you’re willing to let Him write the next chapter of your life.

Don’t settle out of mere convenience. Know that you are like a perfect rose — pure, beautiful, gentle and delicate. When the rose is tightly secure in the form of a bud, those are seasonal times when intimacy is spent with God. As the rose begins its stage of blossoming, she will keep herself with godliness and purity. But if we are not careful with relationships, we will end up giving fragmented pieces of our fragile heart away while each petal is plucked away. Eventually, there will be nothing else to give. With every petal that has been brutally plucked away from the bruised heart, it  breaks the very heart of God.

Our purity is a priceless treasure. Don’t let something so precious and valuable be taken away from you!

As women, our Father gave us this gift of purity. Thus, we must respect and protect it as though we are a delicate rose. Embark on a greater adventure of love. Jesus desperately yearns to encompass and to be the keeper of your heart.

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” {Matthew 5:8}

In your singleness, make the intentional pursuit of discovering how much God truly loves you; don’t just set around and wait or date out of boredom. Instead of placing a greater value on false gods and love of this world, redefine love — learn to desirably replace it with true love from God.  Why? Because we were made to crave, thirst, and hunger for His Spirit. Once we become saturated with His Spirit, we will never thirst again for anything less than what He has to offer.

Furthermore, once you let God be the Author of your life, it will be a book that readers will never want to walk away from. Your life will not be a book that gets shoved in the back of some shelf only to collect dust. It will be a story that people will tell others of while all the glory goes to the true Author: Jesus Christ. The Lord graciously filled the void in my heart when I discovered how to redefine Love.  For that, I am eternally grateful that I am now complete in Him!  Dear reader, I encourage you to delve into the depths of His Word and unfold the richness of His heart, His beauty, and His Majesty.

Will you let Him pen your tale of an everlasting romance?


Image by Athena via flickr
