
Simple Summer Pleasures

July 19, 2016

Can you believe July is halfway over?

Every time I look at the calendar I’m amazed at how much time has passed. I can’t help but panic that summer will soon be over! I’m not ready for sweaters, boots, and scarves just yet.

Make the most of this beautiful season before it’s over. Spend every moment possible outdoors, soaking up the sun’s warm rays and admiring God’s handwork all around. An enjoyable summer doesn’t have to break the bank — all adventure requires is a bit of imagination, good company, and a sunny forecast.

Here are five simple and inexpensive ways to enjoy the summer season:

  1. Outdoor Concert

Traditional concerts can be a bit of a hassle; tickets are expensive and venues are often overcrowded and stuffy.

During the warmer months, communities will often host small festivals featuring some kind of musical entertainment. Do a little research and find out what is going on in your area. These events are often more affordable and you will have the opportunity to be exposed to local artists.

  1. Kayaking

I dream of going sailing on the lake or even going on a cruise, but these things aren’t exactly in the budget. Kayaking is the perfect alternative.

Kayak rentals are relatively cheap and you don’t have to be an expert; a simple demonstration and you will be good to go! Kayaking is great way to enjoy the water and get a little exercise.

  1. Hiking

Hiking is just about as inexpensive adventure as there is!

All you need is a durable pair of tennis shoes and a bottle of water to stay hydrated. Head over to a local or state park and make a day out of exploring the area. Pack a picnic lunch, turn off your phone, and simply enjoy the views.

  1. Day Trip

A road trip from coast to coast is on my bucket list but it’s not something I can take on right at the moment.

For now, I can settle for a weekend or even a day getaway to a nearby city. Start the day early and drive a couple of hours to a nearby town you haven’t been to before. Rent bikes to explore the city and eat at a restaurants you don’t have at home. Be a total tourist and enjoy a mini vacation close to home.

  1. Camping

Warm temperatures extend into the night during the summer season creating the perfect opportunity to sleep under the stars.

Build a blanket fort in your backyard or pack up the tent and sleeping bags and find a private area away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Roast s’mores, catch lighting bugs, and let the crickets sing you to sleep.


Life is full of simple pleasures!

Extravagant plans aren’t needed for a memorable summer. All you need is a little imagination to see that adventure is right around the corner.
