
Sister, You Are Enough

September 29, 2023 · by LaDonna Harrell

Sister, You Are Enough.

Oh, God.

You are my strength, my refuge. You are my hiding place. I will run to You and allow You to shield and shelter me when all of my world is filled with chaos.

Psalms 119:114: “Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.”

Psalms 62:7: “In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.”

There are days when we just have to ask God to give us the strength to keep going. As moms, we get tired, and weary, and worn down. It is important that we set aside time to just breathe. 

Being a mother and a wife is one of the most rewarding things! I do believe that this is what I was called to be…but sometimes I feel that I do not measure up to that calling. I'm sure, at times, you can relate. 

I feel that there are women that do so much more than I, and they seem to have it all put together. But this is me. And this is my family and my life. We shouldn’t try to measure up to others, but to measure up to what God wants us to be.

There may be another mother looking at you thinking that you have it all put together. The reality is that we are all living this life the best we can. And so, I’m here to tell you that you are enough in God's eyes and in the eyes of your family.

You are exactly what your husband needs when he comes home from work. He needs your arms to be wrapped around his neck, he needs to hear your voice, he needs to feel your kiss.

You are exactly what your child needs. God created that little miracle for you and your husband to raise, not someone else. Stop looking at others and comparing what you are and aren’t doing. 

You are what your child needs when they cry out in the middle of the night. You are what they need when they fall down and get a boo-boo on their knee. You are just what your family needs.

Life may have taken you down a different road than you expected, and that's just fine. God knew where you would be long before you did.

You may be a single mom working several jobs to provide for your little ones. You are enough.

You may be a mom of multiple children and feel the stress of trying to get each of them through school and into college. You are enough.

You may be a foster mom trying to balance worlds colliding and offering love. You are enough.

You may be a grandmother raising your children’s children, when you thought that you were through with the child-rearing years. You are enough.

You may be a new mom with too many irons in the fire trying to learn how to bond with your newborn. You are enough.

You may be a mother whose children were in foster care, trying to renew your life and make the best of the second chance you have gotten. You are enough.

You may be a stay-at-home mom, and, because you “stay at home”, you feel that you have to overcompensate to prove your worth. You are enough.

You may be a working mom who feels guilty for dropping your child off at daycare every day. You are enough.

Proverbs 31:25: “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”

In a world that is forever lowering their standards, be who God has called you to be in your home. God will provide the resources, wisdom, and strength you need to carry out His will and purpose in your life and in your family's lives.

LaDonna Harrell

About LaDonna Harrell

LaDonna Harrell lives in Magnolia, AR with her amazing husband and wonderful son. She loves to travel around the Unites States with her family, reading, being a mom and wife, playing the piano, decorating, and studying God's Word. Being a southerner, LaDonna's love for hospitality, decorating and southern charm shines through. She enjoys hosting Women's Bible Study luncheon's in her home. She and her husband work in many areas of their church, including teaching a Biblical Finance Class, and enjoy being "hands-on" in the ministry and Kingdom of God. She is the owner of the blog Faith Family and Miracles, where she provides resources and speaks to woman about real life issues of being a Godly mom and wife. Follow LaDonna on Facebook at facebook.com/faithfamilyandmiracles

Website: www.faithfamilyandmiracles.com
