
Spiritual Habits for Summer

June 14, 2024 ยท by Jacy Lee Pulford

It's no surprise that, with summer, comes a different level of adventure. This also means that the increase of adventure leads to an increase of busyness. While we are excited to embrace a break from our daily grind and to truly make memories with our loved ones as the warm weather invites us outside more, our spiritual habits often fall to the side. 

Being spiritually disciplined in the summer is possible, and it doesn't require more on your already full plate. With a crazy schedule already up ahead, here is how you can be sure to plug into your spiritual well-being without breaking a sweat. 

1.) 10 Minute Timer

Whether we're getting ready for a long road trip or a full beach day, using a timer helps me prioritize my time with the Lord. I tend to have more availability in the morning, but you can do this in the afternoon during free time or at night when everyone is asleep. Try to be still in a quiet place (even if that's your car) and set your phone timer for 10 minutes. Spend 5 minutes in prayer and 5 minutes reading scripture. It'll shift the whole day around! If you do it at night, it'll prepare your heart for the day to come. 

2.) Go Audio

As you pack those swim bags, prepare picnic lunches, or throw in another load of laundry (because summer encourages fun messes), plug yourself in to a faith-based resource. Find an uplifting faith-based podcast, stream a new worship playlist, or listen to the Bible on audio. It doesn't have to be for the entire day. Do this as you complete one task. You'll find that as you're hands-free, your mind embraces freedom in faith too. Bonus: let the entire family listen in the next time you're in the car for a long time. Watch their spirits rise too!

3.) Gratitude Game

I've played this with my boys, and it'll be fun to do it again this summer during the in-between moments of our schedules. When you're eating breakfast or any other meal, take turns listing three things you're thankful for that day. Encourage everyone to choose something that might be hard to see with our eyes, like laughter or how someone was helpful. Many times, I'm surprised (and blessed) by the responses. It helps us focus on being grateful in the here and now, no matter where we go or what we do. 

It's totally okay to embrace summer head-on and make new memories with your family. You don't have to sacrifice spiritual well-being or awareness if you can incorporate a few habits daily. Customize these habits to fit your life and family. It is possible to connect with God and have an incredible, fulfilling summer. 

Jacy Lee Pulford

About Jacy Lee Pulford

Jacy Lee Pulford is a creative wife, mom, writer & artist. With the help of Jesus & mint tea, she works from home while homeschooling her two boys in Connecticut. Join Jacy for daily devotions on Instagram @helloawesomelive & listen to the Hello Awesome Podcast on iTunes or Spotify.
