Spring has sprung and with the shift in nature can come shifts in our mood, home decor, wardrobe, and focus! There’s something about the spring air, so fresh and inviting, that just adds a little extra pep in my step and a little extra sprinkle of spring joy in my everyday activities. During this season of positive change and newness of life there are many ways we can sprinkle a little joy around our home and into the lives of those around us, so I just want to share a few ideas that I look forward to this season.
- Adding a touch of colorful little bows around your home can be a simple and inexpensive way to add a pop of the spring colors of your choice to your home, and the places to put them seem to never end. Just use your fabulous imagination! I am transitioning my Valentine bows straight into Spring because the colors work.
- Fresh or wild flowers invite the newness of life from nature into your home and bring pops of happiness that will bring a smile to your face every time you pass them on your way to do one of your valuable chores.
- Display your collection of spring books! If you don’t have a collection yet maybe buy one a year and before you know it you’ll have a collection to use.
- Easter eggs scriptures or activities are such a fun activity to do with your kids during this season! Just write down some scriptures and/or activities you can do together on little pieces of paper and fold them up and place them in little plastic Easter eggs. Add them to a basket and you’re done! The kids get to open one a day and you read the scripture or do the activity together. This can have variations so have fun with it!
- Make Easter cookies and gift them to neighbors, friends, and family. You can use this as an opportunity to invite people to church or just to do something kind for someone in your life. Plus, you and the kids will have fun in the kitchen together!
- Plant some seeds in a cup or small pot with your kids and watch them be in awe as it grows throughout the season. What a gift it is to see your kids feel proud that they took part in creating something beautiful!
- Read the Easter story throughout this season. If you have children, help them create a reenactment of what Jesus did for us. Sprinkle that joy of God's love and promise into your family.
- Visit a nursery or go for a hike or walk to just get immersed in what is changing where you live, and take in the freshness and beauty of God's creation. It’s a beautiful life!
- Find someone you can help this season with yard work, spring cleaning, or making a meal. The possibilities are endless! Sprinkle that spring joy all over the place and have fun doing it.
- Get involved in planting seeds for the harvest of souls God wants to save. A lot of people attend Easter services and it may be the only service they attend all year, so invite your neighbors, strangers, friends, and family because God desires to save in this season and every season!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Spring!