
Still I Will Trust You

October 19, 2015


Have you ever held a newborn baby? When you pick them up in your arms they are completely comfortable and trust you before they really know you. They trust you won’t drop them, they trust that you will love and care for them, they trust you’ll feed them when they’re hungry. They don’t know how to do anything at that age but they trust that you have the answers and you will know what to do.

Trust is an interesting concept. It’s easy to say “I trust you”, but what does that mean exactly? When we utter those words to God do we mean we are fully trusting that He is going to take care of it? Or do we mean that we will continue to work on the problem until He shows up?

Personally I find it easier to trust when I have all of the parameters in place first. I want to set it up, put things in order, and have the solution figured out in my mind before I give it over to God and say “Okay, now I can trust you.”

But that’s not trust. Trust is taking a step out on the waters not sure of what is below the surface. Trust is taking a leap before you see who is at the bottom to catch you. Trust is handing over your situation completely and having faith that God will take care of it. Trust is saying “God doesn’t need my help or ideas to figure it out, He already knows what to do.”

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. {Jeremiah 17:7-8}

The next time you find yourself needing to hand something to God, try to trust Him completely. Stop trying to make it work yourself once you hand it to Him. Trust that He is God and He knows better than we do. Remind yourself to be like an infant, just trust Him.

