
Thank God It’s Monday

July 09, 2018

It’s MonYAY!

TGIM, am I right?

Ok. Maybe you’re used to celebrating FriYAY and the start of the weekend, but there’s a lot to be thankful for on a Monday! After all, it’s the start of something new. A new week full of new opportunities.

That’s something to be excited about!

As Christians, I’m afraid we’ve adopted a worldly view of getting through the supposedly “dull workweek” in order to enjoy the short-lived excitement of the weekend. Unfortunately, for most non-believers, this means a weekend they can’t remember or would rather forget.

So, why should we, as followers of Jesus, have a similar mindset when it comes to living out our week and weekend? After all, each day is a day the Lord has made, and we should have a reason to rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).

Should we change the way we think about Monday?

Hopefully, you were in a church service Sunday and heard the Word of the Lord preached. Monday is the perfect day to start applying what you heard!

How can you put what you heard yesterday into practice today?

Applying the Word to our lives is something we should all look forward to!

If you’re headed back to work on Monday, you should be excited about another chance to advance God’s Kingdom on the job.

Who are you influencing today? Look for opportunities to be a light in someone’s life.

How are you responding to God today? Make sure you’re being spiritually sensitive so He can use you.

If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you may have a little less help during the week. But, God will remind you today that He is your strength and your rest. Monday means a new week to invest in your babies and enjoy that season of life that passes all too quickly.

Shouldn’t we be intentional about living each and every day to the fullest? If so, that means Monday, too!

Why “live for the weekend” when we can enjoy every single day God has given us?

If you dread Mondays, ask yourself why. Then, make some changes.

It may only take a single, simple shift in your thinking, and you could actually look forward to Monday. Or, it could also mean making some life changes that aren’t so easy.

The sad thing is, a lot of people live their entire life waiting for something better.

As children, they couldn’t wait until they were old enough to do things the “big kids” did. As teenagers, their life couldn’t begin until they got that drivers’ license. Then, it seemed like an eternity of waiting until they hit 18, so they could be a “grown up.” Then, it’s going to college, moving out on your own, getting married, having kids, working a job you hate until you get to retire, then…well, we don’t want to talk about what we start waiting for then.

The point I’m trying to make is, you only get one life. If you spend all your time “living for the weekend,” you’re missing out on a life where you can enjoy every single day. Maybe we should actually apply that Psalm to our thinking.

“This is the day that the Lord has made…”

He’s got a plan for us today, if we’ll pay attention.

“I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

There’s some determination in that. I will rejoice, even if I don’t feel like it. I will be glad in it, even though last week I hated it.

What if we approached our week with that mindset?

“Regardless of what happens, I will rejoice and be glad today.”

“When I go to bed tonight, I will have a blessing to thank God for.”

On this MonYAY, be encouraged.

God woke you up this Monday morning! Go and make it a day to remember!
