
Thank You to Our Editor, Jennifer Smith

July 09, 2021 · by Andrea Long

The Bible says to give "honor to whom honor [is due]", and there is none more deserving of honor than long-time editor of the She's Intentional blog, Jennifer Smith. 

Jennifer has been working for Dainty Jewell's since 2014 in several roles, including blog writer, social media and marketing manager and, lastly, blog editor. Much effort and dedication has been poured into these roles, and writers and audience alike have benefited from her leadership. 

We are sad to see Jennifer go but we cheer her on as she walks into the next chapter of life. We asked her to answer a few questions for us before she heads out. 

Jennifer, thank you for joining us today! We have appreciated all you've done for Dainty Jewell's and the She's Intentional blog. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.

I began writing for Dainty Jewell's back in 2014 when the blog originally started, so it's been really neat to see how the blog and the company have changed and grown over the years.
Within a year of writing for the blog, I began to do some side projects related to social media and the brides gallery that Dainty Jewell's used to have on the website. Over time, that grew into a fun position with Dainty Jewell's where I did the company's social media and collaborations, among other things. I did all this remotely from my home in Texas, and it really felt like a dream job!
In 2018, I took on managing the blog, and I was able to travel to Dainty Jewell's new headquarters Grand Opening that July. Such a good memory!
Then, in 2019, we adopted our son Bravery, and I resigned from all but managing the blog at that point. So my time with Dainty Jewell's has been an adventure that's been filled with lots of variety and fun. I've always felt like my involvement with Dainty Jewell's has been a gift from God, and I don't take it for granted.

What has been your favorite part of working for She’s Intentional blog?

I've always loved writing (and editing!), so getting to do that for a blog like Dainty Jewell's that reaches so many women and shares the same values I embrace has been fulfilling. I also love when we add new writers to the team. There's lots of variety on our team, and I love "meeting" the new writers and reading the fresh perspectives, writing styles, and thoughts they bring to the table.

What do you like to do in your free time? Hobbies?

With the addition of our two little ones these past 2 years, it feels like I spend most of my time picking up messes and doing laundry! :D
But I LOVE reading. I love being involved in different ways at our church. Though it's harder now with the babies, my husband and I love hiking and nature.
My husband is the youth president of the SCTX District of the UPCI, and because of that, we've done lots of traveling these past few years. Though I normally tend to be a homebody, in this season of our life, the places we get to see, the God moments we experience, and the people we get to meet while traveling have been loads of fun and a huge blessing. I've even met several readers of Dainty Jewell's' blog through some of these trips we've taken. It's really cool to meet a stranger and have an instant connection over the blog!

What is your favorite scripture or quote?

Psalm 91:14: “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name" (ESV). 
God has done some amazing works in my life, some things that still boggle my mind. This promise is so personal and precious to me, that often, just reading the verse makes me want to cry. Having a true love relationship with God takes work, but it's so worth it and powerful.

As you move past this season of involvement with the blog, where do you see yourself going from here?

I've always had the tendency to get involved in a few too many things at once, which leads to me not being able to focus on any one thing as much as I'd like to. At this point in my life, I am focusing on narrowing my focus! -- Namely, to my local church and my family.
Going forward, I plan to do more at our church by way of music ministry, Bible studies, and discipleship. Where my family is concerned, we will be transitioning this fall from a homeschool curriculum where all the work is done for me to something that will be much more hands-on. So I expect life to stay pretty busy! Until recently, I was always very goal- and career-oriented. As I get older, however, I find myself wanting to let go of many of those things and soak in every moment I have just being present with my family.

Thank you, Jennifer, for blessing us with your talent. You will certainly be missed. We pray God's blessings on you in this new season.  

          Andrea Long

          About Andrea Long

          Andrea Long is wife to Clinton and mommy to Clark and Chantry. She is editor and manager of The Dainty Jewells Blog and part of the marketing team of Dainty Jewells. She is also a Registered Nurse turned stay-at-home mom of her two precious boys. Her life is full of adventure as she travels full-time with her evangelist husband and little ones in a "tiny home on wheels". She enjoys decorating her small space, time with her family, holistic health, a good book, a strong cup of coffee, and as much time at her piano as possible. Andrea considers herself very blessed to live this life for her Faithful Friend. Follow Andrea on Instagram @andreagrindlelong.
