
The Annalise: Interview with Valerie Labunski

August 07, 2024 · by Anyssa Hessler

When we had our design contest last year, we had so many wonderful entries! In the end, we had our amazing customers vote on their favorite, and we produced the Madame Monet dress as the winner. But we had to make one more dress dream come true. The Annalise dress, designed by Valerie Labunski, will release with our Classic in Black Collection this week! Today, we are interviewing the designer of this dress. Valerie, we are thrilled to produce your dream dress and to have you share a little about you, too! 

SI: Tell us about yourself. What are some of your interests and hobbies? What does a typical day look like for you?

VL: Hey everyone! My name is Valerie Labunski. I’m no stranger to Dainty Jewells; I remember saving up money from babysitting as a teenager in order to buy my first custom silk blue dress. Later on, I had the pleasure of meeting the owner, and by some twist of fate, I ended up modeling for Dainty Jewells on several occasions, which has always been a lovely experience!

I was raised in a wonderful family and am the youngest of four children. I was born in Wisconsin where I lived until I was ten. My family then moved to Texas where my dad pastored a home missions church for several years. Thanks to my awesome mother, I was very involved in Bible Quizzing growing up, and reap the benefits of memorizing Scripture to this day. My family and I did eventually move back to Wisconsin, and I later attended Indiana Bible College for a short time. I’ve since moved to the beautiful Natural State of Arkansas. A few of my hobbies include playing piano, drawing, photography, and hiking. When I’m not working, I’m usually spending time with loved ones, checking off my to-do list, or enjoying some downtime.

SI: How would you describe your personal style?

VL: I try to be classy and feminine while also opting for comfort. If there’s too much fuss or layering, I’m probably not going to wear it. I love many different styles, but stick to what fits my body type.

Growing up, there was a book that floated around our house called Color Me Beautiful. It’s essentially a handbook on how to wear the right colors for your skin tone. This color analysis has greatly helped me over the years by guiding my shopping choices and understanding what colors look best on me—I’m a Winter, by the way. I highly recommend all ladies look into it!

SI: Was this your first time designing a dress? Do you ever sketch and design for fun?

VL: This isn’t my first time designing a dress, but it’s my first time seeing one of my designs come to life, which is so exciting! I’ve enjoyed drawing since I was a young girl and enjoy sketching fashion caricatures and outfits that inspire me. You can find some of my art on Instagram under @vjl_designs.

SI: What was your reaction to finding out your design was being produced for ladies all over to love?

VL: I was both shocked and thrilled at the same time! It’s been over a year since my design won third place in the competition, so the possibility of getting my dress produced wasn’t really on my radar. Every step of the way has been a surprise—from finding out my design made it to the final round, to winning third place, and now seeing it produced. It’s all been an unexpected, exciting experience!

SI: What is your favorite way to style this piece? Where do you plan to wear this dress?

VL: I’d probably style this dress with black heels and a black purse. I’m curious to see how others will style it as well! I have several weddings to attend in the coming months where I’m sure the Annalise dress will make an appearance. Plus, I have a trip to Europe planned, where I’d love to showcase the dress in Pinterest-worthy fashion if given the opportunity.

SI: We are already looking forward to Autumn right around the corner! What are some of your favorite things to do in the Autumn months?

VL: Oh, I love autumn! It might just be my favorite season. I always look forward to watching the leaves change colors and bundling up when the weather cools. I enjoy attending fairs and festivals that pop up during this time of year. I’m also all for sampling all the pies, soups, and seasonal lattes!

SI: Outside of clothes, what are some items you’re loving right now?

VL: AirPods are a must-have for me—I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks while completing tasks, so they’re constantly coming in handy! My absolute favorite perfume to date is Hardcore Rose by Victoria’s Secret. I also love snail mail, year planners, and fun stationery.

SI: What was your inspiration behind this dress design?

VL: I simply drew what came to me. I wanted to design a dress that would be unique, fun, and different from the norm—something that would stand out from the rest.

I also want to add that this dress is actually named after my four-year-old little niece, Annalise Repetto, who is the first grandbaby girl in our family. She’s such a girly girl, and we’re all crazy about her! She was thrilled when I told her that I had named this dress after her. Her first question was, “Is it spin-y?” Meaning, of course, is it a good dress to spin or twirl in. To which I would have to emphatically answer, “Yes!”

Anyssa Hessler

About Anyssa Hessler

Anyssa Hessler is Dainty Jewell's' marketing & social media manager. She lives in a small town and old home in Indiana with her husband, Alec and children Reyna & Everett. She and her husband serve as youth leaders at The House of Prayer. She enjoys making a mess in the kitchen, treasure hunting in thrift stores, and testing her green thumb. Find her on Instagram @anyssa.hessler.
