
The Blessing in Gathering

October 16, 2024 · by Hillary Wheeler

The season of gathering together with friends and family is upon us and what a joyous time it is!

Gathering together is a necessity of life and with it comes blessing in the spiritual and the physical. We all experienced seclusion in 2020 when the world as we knew seemed to change over night. Many could no longer go to church and gather in person with like-minded believers, many holiday gatherings were canceled and we were forced into interactions  through screens or from a distance. It had an effect on minds and souls because humans are not wired to go without physical touch, meaningful interactions, and being in God's house with God's people. There is a blessing that comes when we gather together in worship with fellow saints, as we glean from the Word of God together, lean on each other in prayer, and exalt the name of Jesus in one accord. Jesus said in Matthew 18:19-20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” If we don’t take part in gathering together with other believers we will miss out on the blessing of being in God's presence.

There are so many spiritual benefits of gathering together with like-minded believers in spiritual settings, but I feel there are also benefits to gathering together with friends and family in other settings. Dinner parties, park days, shopping, coffee dates, the list goes on and on. Each opportunity to interact with others and lean into caring about someone else and investing time in building relationships brings blessings. Gathering together creates room for laughter, discussion, growth, encouragement, strength, compassion, and love. God created us to help and encourage each other as we strive to live for Him.

He is coming soon, so let us not forsake the gathering of ourselves together! We need each other.

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Your sister in Christ and in love,

Hillary Wheeler

Hillary Wheeler

About Hillary Wheeler

Hillary Wheeler is a former Pre-K public school teacher turned stay-at-home mom who homeschools her three young and wonderful children. Her life is full of the normal and fulfilling hustle and bustle of child rearing, kingdom work, and family life. When she has moments to feed her personal interests, she will be writing songs, writing, singing, reading books, or spending time outdoors. Hillary loves to learn from women, both young and old, and values the wisdom of those that have gone before. She feels that her "cup runneth over" with undeserved blessings but is also filled with immeasurable thankfulness for the goodness of God and His great kindness in her life. She knows that life is far more vibrant and beautiful when God, our Creator, is able to lead the way and do all the marvelous things that He does so well. She will forever say, "God is good".
