
The Lord Is My Shepherd

December 14, 2015

It’s the time of the year when so many of us start to fill our minds with our list of wants.

I love browsing through stores and mentally adding items to my Christmas list. Of course it doesn’t mean I’m going to ask for every single thing that catches my eye, but it’s fun to have ideas to give to my husband and parents!

During this season, however, I can’t help but hear the familiar Psalm 23 playing in my thoughts: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The Psalm doesn’t say “I shall not need” but the Psalmist reminds us we don’t have to want either. The material gifts of the season are wonderful, but the gifts my spirit longs for mean a little more.

Jesus is my Shepherd, so He gives me peace when the world is in turmoil. He gives me love despite so many people being filled with hate. He gives me joy when happiness can be fleeting. He gives me comfort when it’s so easy to feel alone. He gives me strength when I am at my weakest. He gives my soul the best kind of gifts.

I look forward to Christmas morning when I can find a few presents under the tree but that is only one day. We will all open presents only to find ourselves a few weeks later already making a new mental wish list. But the gifts He gives us will leave us wanting for nothing except more of Him. His gifts will carry us through every day, whether it is optimistic and sunny, or negative and dark. The Lord is my shepherd and He gives the best gifts.

His gifts are eternal.

The gifts the Shepherd gives won’t come wrapped in shiny paper but they are still guaranteed to change your life. Take time this busy season to thank Him for satisfying your soul and fulfilling your soul’s wants.

Merry Christmas!
