
Timeless and Elegant: Asiah and Michael's Wedding

August 19, 2022 · by Andrea Long

Here at She's Intentional Blog, we love classic weddings! Today we are featuring the beautifully classic wedding of Asiah Featherstone, a long-time model of Dainty Jewell's and former blogger with She's Intentional. 

Asiah, we are honored to have you join us and share your lovely wedding! How would you describe your wedding theme and decor?

AF: I would describe my wedding decor/theme/vibe as timeless, inviting, & elegant. I was very intentional with all of the decor at our wedding. I wanted guests to feel like they had been to a very special event; I wanted them to know that we were so grateful to have them there and also wanted to spoil them. At our reception we had a coffee/lemonade bar, dessert bar, and many appetizers before dinner. At the coffee bar we had specialty coffees named after our sweet puppies, and at the dessert bar we had napkins that had 5 random facts about Michael and me.

    What are some of your favorite memories from your wedding day?

    AF: Wow, I have so many special and favorite memories from my wedding day. One of my special memories on my wedding day was doing a first look with my husband and my dad. I did a first look with each of them separately, and each one meant SO much to me! Another special memory was a tribute I did for my mother, father, and brother. It was a complete shock and surprise to them. When my father and I reached the end of the isle, my father was waiting for my pastor to say, “Who gives this women to be married to…etc”; instead, my pastor told everyone to be seated. As everyone sat down, music started playing with a prerecording of my voice giving the tribute. The tribute was very heartfelt, and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the building. One last special memory was my dad playing the wedding march on his saxophone before we walked down the aisle. That is a moment I’ll never forget.

    Were there any funny moments or things that didn't go according to plan?

    AF: There is one funny moment I would like to share: I had a lot of candles as a part of my wedding decor! Candles down the aisle, candles on the platform, candles on the podium, and anywhere else you can think of. When my husband and I were walking back up to the platform from our unity candle, the train of my dress was a few centimeters from the flame of one of the candles!! In a sudden panic, my mom yelled out “Asiah, your dress!!”; at the same time my pastor's wife, and my sweet friend, Sis. Yvette, noticed it as well and lunged forward to help. As my pastor's wife lunged forward her shoe flew off!! LOL! My photographer actually caught it on camera. So much happening in one moment to ensure my dress did not catch on fire. I am so thankful, but it also is a funny moment I will never forget.

      How did you find the perfect wedding dress?

      AF: Finding the perfect wedding dress was a challenge for me. I went dress shopping a few times, but never had that “this is the dress” moment. I was so sad, because I thought every bride was supposed to have that moment! However, I found a dress that had features I really liked. I decided to have my dress custom made! My mom and I searched all over Houston, TX to find this one shimmer fabric I wanted. We were not able to find it, so we flew to California, and my aunt took us to the fashion district, and we were able to find all the materials for my dress. It was also a sweet and short girls' trip with my favorite lady - my momma. As my wedding dress was getting made, I started to get cold feet about that dress… I wanted a dress that was very modest, and I was not feeling super comfortable in the dress. So my mom and I went to an off the rack wedding dress store…. And I finally had that “This is the dress moment!!!” I was thrilled and shocked because the dress I had just found was a ballgown styled dress, and I was convinced that a ballgown dress would not look good on me. To make a long story short, my sweet seamstress was able to make changes for me, and I ended up falling in love with my custom dress as well. I wore one dress for the first look, my custom dress down the aisle and during the ceremony, and switched back into my first dress for the reception.

        Do you have advice for future brides?

        AF: If I could give any future brides some advice it would be to have fun and try not to stress. Think about your end goal and the big picture. I have been married for 4 months, and I don’t even remember the small things I was getting stressed out about. Also when it comes to wedding decor, Amazon and Etsy will be your best friends!!

        Do you have anything special about your love story that you would like to share?

        AF: When I think of my love story, I think about how beautifully God puts things together when we let Him. As a teen, I would pray about certain aspects I wanted in a man. As time went on, I started to believe that what I was asking God for was maybe too much. I started to believe that I didn’t deserve an incredible man. What a lie from Satan! What we don’t sometimes realize, is that God wants us to have the very best of everything in life, and that includes a husband. As Michael and I dated, I would hear him say or do certain things and think, “wait, I prayed for that”. I shouldn’t have been so shocked knowing how good and faithful our God is, but I genuinely was.

          Growing up I knew I would be married by the age of 21/22, and be done having all my children by 27/28. That was the story I wanted.
          On April 9, 2022, I got married at the age of 27 to a man who is so kindhearted, loving, godly, attentive, hardworking, and so many more of the things I prayed for. It was 1000% worth the wait. Looking back, if I God had me wait even longer to fulfill the destiny He had for me, I would wait knowing that His story & His way are much better than mine.
          I say all of that to say, if you are unmarried don’t stop praying for your future husband, don’t give up hope, and don’t settle. I know how frustrating it can be at times. But know that God hears every prayer; He sees what your heart longs for, and He cares. There is one thing I will promise you: if you let God write your love story, if you will wait on His timing, He will bless you greatly.

          AF: To see more of our wedding, you can find our wedding video on my Instagram Page @asiah.feather. 

          Photographer : Elissa Pace Photography

            Andrea Long

            About Andrea Long

            Andrea Long is wife to Clinton and mommy to Clark and Chantry. She is editor and manager of The Dainty Jewells Blog and part of the marketing team of Dainty Jewells. She is also a Registered Nurse turned stay-at-home mom of her two precious boys. Her life is full of adventure as she travels full-time with her evangelist husband and little ones in a "tiny home on wheels". She enjoys decorating her small space, time with her family, holistic health, a good book, a strong cup of coffee, and as much time at her piano as possible. Andrea considers herself very blessed to live this life for her Faithful Friend. Follow Andrea on Instagram @andreagrindlelong.
