

May 15, 2014

When we think of waiting, we think of inconvenience: waiting at the doctor’s office, waiting for the traffic light to turn green, waiting in line at the grocery store . . .

Long-term waits are even harder. Waiting—hoping—for God to heal a friend. Waiting for lost children to come to God. Waiting for Mr. Right to come along, for that better job, or for a financial breakthrough.

If that pretty much sums up your situation, let me tell you my story: Soon after getting married, my husband and I wanted a baby. As months passed, it was evident that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

We’d been married two-and-a-half years when an opportunity came to adopt a newborn. The wait was over! We were finally going to get our baby—maybe not how we’d originally thought, but God had still made a way.

And then the adoption fell through.

I was devastated, but I got over the initial sting. I put the matter in God’s hands. I stopped thinking about babies altogether. I threw myself into my work and into my new position as our church’s keyboard player.

Over the next few years, I settled into a contented routine. My husband, however, couldn’t get babies off the brain. So one October morning, just for him, I made a doctor’s appointment in hopes of finding out what was keeping us from conceiving a child.

I walked into the women’s center with sticky palms and tangled nerves . . .

 . . . And I walked out in a daze!

The doctor hadn’t been able to find anything wrong with me, but what she did find changed my life forever: after four years of waiting, I was expecting!

As I left in a stunned stupor, the doctor’s staff told me I’d made their day. It wasn’t every day a pregnant woman came in for infertility!

My son is almost two years old now, and a daily reminder that God answers prayers with impeccable timing.

If you’re waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting . . .

Don’t lose hope.

Keep praying.

God sees you!

Is that a guarantee you’ll always get your way? No. But if you put your trust in the Lord, you’ll always get God’s best.

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord” (Psalm 27:14).
