
What's your Credit Report?

October 25, 2021 · by Lally Acedo

Have you ever sat down and really thought about the things you are giving too much credit to? If you could put your words, your thoughts, your actions on a scale, what would have more weight - you speaking life or death into your life, your situation, your walk with God? What and who are you giving all the credit to? Will your credit score be good or bad?

I've asked myself all these questions recently. God has been dealing with me and reminding me of the power that my words have. It's easy to say "have faith" or "it's going to be ok", but when we are walking through the valley, if we are not careful, our words can impact how soon or how good we come out of our situation. Last year I went through a really hard season full of doubt, anxiety, discouragement and depression. If I can be honest, I got to the point where all that came out of my mouth were words like "I have anxiety", "this is my new normal", "I'll get used to it" ummmm WHAAAAT?!!! The more I said it, the more I believed it. Words, words, words... They are powerful. Without even realizing it I was the one hurting myself more and more each day because I was "just expressing how I was feeling", instead of rebuking what was attacking me!

Proverbs 18:21 says: "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit".

With my thoughts, words and actions I gave TOO MUCH CREDIT to the enemy. I was giving my temporary circumstance a potential permanent report and all because of my words and my lack of faith, among other things.

Looking at my credit score once, it reminded me of what I was going through at the moment. You see, I work really hard to see those numbers go up. I even go the extra mile sometimes so that it doesn't affect my score. I could sacrifice so much on a daily basis to make sure I don't miss a payment and my score stays high, because I have a goal, and I must keep working towards it.

 But what about my faith?. How hard am I working to keep that up?. What habits am I creating so the hardships of life don't affect me?. What am I willing to sacrifice to continue strong? 

I was working towards my report to be a really low one, a negative one instead of a positive and abundant one.

STOP giving depression, sickness, anxiety, generational curses, addiction, division, doctor's report any credit!!! Speak LIFE, BLESSINGS, HEALING, RESTORATION over your life, your family, your situation. Compliment others, encourage others. Seek God; in His presence you will find all that you need. This world and its lies have nothing to offer. Jesus is the way, the life and the TRUTH. He deserves all the glory, all the honor and all the credit for all that He has done in our life.

Blessings! -Lally A

Lally Acedo

About Lally Acedo

Lally Acedo is a 26-year-old food & lifestyle blogger from Northern California. She has been married for over 4 years to the love of her life, Sergio. She has loved cooking since she was a little girl, but marrying her husband has made her find a true passion for food. Lally also values cultivating a home that her husband, family, and friends can come to and experience a peaceful and joyful atmosphere. She believes food is a great way to bring people together and create new memories. Whether it’s a big meal, an appetizer, or simply a cup of coffee, as long as it's made with love, it’s more than enough.
