
Worshiping God When The Butterflies Aren’t There

February 15, 2016

In the month of February, we focus a lot on romance and beautiful expressions of love.

But if we only spent one month of the year telling someone we cared about them we wouldn’t really have much of a relationship, would we? The extra focus is nice but it shouldn’t be the only focus.

When you have been in a relationship for some time you realize those butterfly feelings aren’t consistently there, but does that mean you don’t love someone? Experience teaches us that love doesn’t always mean dizzy, fluttery feelings. Sure, you still experience the swept off your feet feelings many times throughout your relationship, but expressing love even when you aren’t floating is a much deeper feeling.

Of course, this makes me think about my love for God as well. What if I only spent a month of the year worshiping Jesus? Or what if I only spent one day of the week giving Him praise? What if I only worshiped Him when I felt a strong overwhelming passion?

Because let’s be honest: there are days when I’m not feeling those beautiful life feelings. There are times when my to-do list would take more time than I have to complete. There are days when I’m beyond exhausted. There are days when the only thing I want to do is be completely selfish and only focus on myself. But that doesn’t mean I get a free pass on my relationship with God. I still have to worship Him!

“…and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
{I Kings 19:11 NIV}”

Those scriptures tell me that there isn’t always going to be a fire of passion. That tells me sometimes the earth isn’t going to move and bring me to my face in worship. It tells me that sometimes it’s going to be those quiet moments in life that I am going to hear from Him.

If we only based our worship on the times we are moved to dance or overwhelming moments that we have no choice but to praise Him, we might miss an intimate word from His voice.

How much more meaningful is it to you when your boyfriend or husband tells you-you are beautiful when you have a messy top knot and your clothes are less than inspired? You know that person truly thinks you’re beautiful when they see past your mess.

Imagine how God must feel on days when you would rather go to bed but instead, open up His Word and spend time with Him? His heart must swell when we take the time and energy we think we don’t have and give it to Him. Those are the moments He whispers in that still small voice. And those moments we will appreciate more than worship driven only by emotions.

During this month of love don’t forget about the King who loves you so much He died for you. Take time for Him. Reflect on when you give Him your time. And let’s worship God even when we don’t have the butterflies.
