
You Are Perfectly You

August 26, 2014

As these weeks progress and I keep my eyes open for young women who are seeking to please God and make a difference in their communities and even beyond to foreign missions, I am constantly in awe of the generation of girls that is rising up. Not rising up to be superstars or to be feminist politicians, but young women with a heart and desire for the Kingdom of Christ. That is so beautiful to me and I feel so honored to have the opportunity to form a bond with these future world-changers. 

Today’s we are featuring an interview with one of Dainty Jewell’s models, Asiah Angelle. I’m sure your recognize her lovely smile and sparkling eyes from the Dainty Jewell’s 2013 Fall Collection launch, and I cannot wait for you to get to know her. She has been very open with us, and I believe that her life experiences are going to touch your heart as much as they did mine.


She’s Intentional: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview with us, Asiah! I’m excited to get to know you better, and I know our readers will be inspired by you, as well. Let’s start with a few basics, like how old are you? Where is your hometown? Are you in college, are your working, how do you spend your days?

Asiah Angelle: I am 19 years old and from Houston, TX. Last year I studied Music/Vocal Performance at The University of Mary-Hardin Baylor, and loved every minute of it. I felt led by God to come back home, so that’s just what I did. I’m still taking voice lessons and still planning to get my music degree in the future, but right now I’m now home studying to become a Registered Nurse. I recently got hired on as an Administrative Assistant at a janitorial company here in Houston. My favorite activities when I’m not at work or school are to photograph my friends, write, travel, sing, laugh, meet new people, and shop (I’m a certified shopaholic!).

SI: I’ve only personally met you one time, but it was obvious during our brief meeting that you are truly a “people person,” and I understand that people are one of your greatest passions.

AA: My greatest passion is people. I believe one of the main reasons God created us was so that we could love others. I know that none of us are perfect at it, but it is a daily goal of mine to do what pleases God the most. I am deeply interested in people and caring about others. Their backgrounds, their passions, what they like to eat, or do for fun is all fascinating to me! I love to demonstrate the love of God to others, such as helping people in need. For instance, I have always brought bags of clothes to the local homeless shelter around Christmas time, and it bring so much joy to see their faces light up when they start going through the bags. I also go the nursing homes during the Christmas holiday and sings Christmas carols. I’ve learned to never underestimate the power of love because it can heal, mend, restore, and break chains around the hardest of hearts.


SI: What have been some of the hardest lessons to learn as a young Apostolic woman?

AA: One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn as a young Apostolic woman is that I am beautiful just the way God created me. So many of my years when I attended grade school I was constantly wishing that I were someone else. My aspiration was to be prettier, thinner and smarter. My first year in college was when I really got a revelation of God’s love and began to understand that God created me to be exactly who I am. Realizing that I have my own personality, unique style and beauty that no one in this entire universe can change is truly something remarkable. I love the quote “comparison is the thief of joy” because it really is. As an Apostolic girl, I know that we tend to say things like, “When I get thinner then I will…..or once this guy likes me then…. or if only I looked like…” Most of these sayings start when doubt enters into our minds. I’ve learned that a perfect voice, a boy, a clear face, a perfect hair-do or seeing the perfect number on the scale will not fix your problems. I know God created me to be so much more. He actually created all of us to be so much more than just an outward appearance. I wish every Apostolic young lady would realize that beauty is reflected from her innermost being, and that she has spark and spuk. You are created perfectly you by the greatest Creator of all time.


SI: Do you have a mentor in your life who has really inspired you? Who is it and how has she encouraged you?

AA: I’ve had several unquestionably wonderful mentors in my life, but two of them really stand out to me. The first one is my mother; she has inspired me to be a hard-working, kind, fun, and Godly young lady. She encourages me daily to never let go of my dreams, to be faithful to God, to put my whole heart into everything I do, and to make sure my main goal in life is to make it to heaven. I know this probably sounds like a cliché, but I truly want to be just like my beautiful mother when I grow up. The second mentor in my like is my pastor’s wife (Sis. Jackson) who I love to call “MiMi.” She is just like a grandmother to me. She has really inspired me when it comes to my “greatest passion.” She loves everyone no matter what their circumstances may be. She was the inspiration behind a lot of my musical dreams – she’s the one who encouraged me to take piano lessons and to always work hard at it. I pray that I will be a woman of God just like she is one day.

SI: What is a scripture that really speaks to you in times of joy, sorrow, happiness and trials?AA: I have a lot of favorite scriptures that speak to me in different situations, but there is one passage in the Bible that speaks to me under any circumstance: Isaiah 53. It is the prophecy of Jesus’ sin-atoning sacrifice on my behalf. It’s when I think about what He did for me that everything (good or bad) has a proper perspective. Knowing that God will never abandon me, whether I am going through a trial or not, is what brings me so much peace. Jesus did not have to suffer for me, but He did. So no matter what I am facing in life, when I think about what God has done and will continue to do, it makes everything in life better.

Asiah, thank you once again for sharing your heart with us.

You are a lovely, godly, inspirational young woman and we are so excited to see how God is going to use you and all the beautiful plans He has for your future! xo
