
Chocolate Strawberry Homemade Ice Cream

June 12, 2024 · by Anyssa Hessler

I don’t know about your household, but in mine, we consume more ice cream and popsicles during the summer months than we do the rest of the entire year combined. I just can’t say no to my children when they ask for popsicles on a hot summer day, because I would like one, too!

It’s been a while since I’ve made homemade ice cream, and I’m not sure why - it’s so easy and affordable! Plus you can customize it to your family’s flavor preferences. This recipe does not require a special ice cream maker; all you need is a blender! Using this recipe as a base, you can easily create a concoction all your own but mixing in different fruits, nuts, candies and more.


Base recipe:

2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp salt

Add ins:
2 cups fresh strawberries
½ cup chocolate chips of choice (I used dark chocolate)


Wash and chop the strawberries; add them to the blender. Blend until almost smooth.

Add the cream, condensed milk, vanilla and salt and blend until smooth. Don’t blend too long; bubbles will add unwanted air pockets when freezing.

Lastly, add in the chocolate chips and blend until roughly chopped.

Pour the ice cream mixture into a freeze safe container. I used a loaf pan and covered it with saran wrap and foil for an airtight seal.

Freeze for 3-4 hours or until firm. When ready to serve, allow to set at room temperature for about 5 minutes to make scooping easier. Enjoy on a hot summer day!

If you try this recipe - tag us on social media! We'd love to see the fun flavors you come up with!

Anyssa Hessler

About Anyssa Hessler

Anyssa Hessler is Dainty Jewell's' marketing & social media manager. She lives in a small town and old home in Indiana with her husband, Alec and children Reyna & Everett. She and her husband serve as youth leaders at The House of Prayer. She enjoys making a mess in the kitchen, treasure hunting in thrift stores, and testing her green thumb. Find her on Instagram @anyssa.hessler.
