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Personalizing Your Holiday

December 24, 2014

Christmastime is a time for families, friends and even slight acquaintances to celebrate. Somehow that little extra bit of magic in the air makes us all seem warmer and more friendly, doesn’t it? A way to bring extra warmth is to personalize the holiday with little tributes to each of your guests – and your own personal style of course!

Hall Family Christmas 3

One of the ways that we always bring our family together before Christmas dinner is to personalize the table. My family has hosted Christmas the last several years, and we enjoy collecting ornaments for each guest as a “place-card” and each person has to figure out where they are seated based on that ornament to give them a clue. It’s our own way of personalizing the table, and it also serves as a bit of an icebreaker as people wait for the food to be prepared and compare their ornaments which they take home with them.

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Hall Family Christmas 1

It’s last-minute because today is Christmas Eve, but if you’re hosting, how could you personalize the experience for your guests? Maybe you can whip up quick place-cards with names or clues for each person’s seat. Or what about a small wrapped package – it can even be a cookie or chocolate – at each plate to make your family dinner seem a tad more formal with a “favor”  to bring home.

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Hall Family Christmas 6

Lastly, do your decorations represent you? Maybe you have a great sense of humor or a quirky one (which is even better)? Include it in your decor! ‘Tis the Season to be Wacky – so go full-tilt into the season with a heart full of love and a house full of wonderfully wacky Christmas decor!

I pray whatever your Christmas holds that it brings reminders of the love of a perfect Savior who was born for us.

© all personal photos by Charity Hall, please do not use without permission