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Summer Sailor

August 22, 2014

It’s hurricane season here in Florida and for central Florida that means rain. Everyday it rains! The rain this week cooled the ninety degree weather streak and really got me wishing for fall. As a I perused Faith’s Closet, a local church thrift shop, my mind was in fall mode. I was hoping for a transitional dress or skirt to wear into fall with a light sweater, but what I found was completely opposite and I could not pass it up.


I cam across this sailor inspired, modest, blue and white wide collard dress. I inspected the material completely and was astonished that it held no stains or blemishes. It’s so rare to find such a light fabric in perfect condition! The dress came with a matching belt, but that was turning yellow from age.


I snagged up this snake skin belt at the same store for only fifty cents. Then, I paired this dress with my two-tone nude and brown Mary Jane style heels that I got a few years back. They always seemed “vintagey” to me and I love how they transport this outfit back in time.

Another detail that surprised me about this dress was that the ornate original buttons were still intact. And they are adorable! To make this dress suit me a little better, I cut the shoulder pads out. Without the shoulder pads this dress still has a little puff to the shoulder, which is cute, but the double stuffed shoulder pads were not so cute.

I saved the best for last: the dress only cost $2! I will be returning to Faith’s Closet soon in hopes for finding another vintage gem or two. Or even three! A girl can sure hope!