
Wedding Photography: An Interview with Elissa Pace

October 21, 2022 · by Andrea Long

At Dainty Jewells we love a good wedding, and you’ll find all sorts of gorgeous ones featured here. The unsung heroes are, of course, the wedding photographers, and we’re so excited to interview Elissa Pace and hear about her passion. Welcome, Elissa!

DJ: Elissa, you are an incredible wedding photographer, and we love your work! First of all, who is Elissa Pace? Can you tell us a little more about you, your background, and what you're up to these days?

First, thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of the Dainty Jewells blog today. It truly is an honor! I am a wedding photographer based in Dallas, TX, but travel all over the country (and the world) shooting weddings for romantic, elegant couples that love deeply. I grew up as a Pastor's daughter in the most loving, caring home and am still blessed to be a part of the wonderful work God is doing in our home church in Dallas. Now days, you'll find me dedicating much of my time to wedding photography, a little web design on the side, heavily involved in my home church, traveling with my family singing group, cooking something up in the kitchen, or just hanging out with friends and family.

DJ: When did you first discover that you had a talent for photography? How have you developed that talent?

My journey as a wedding photographer began during my early college years. I went to school for web design which I still absolutely love doing. I took photography and Photoshop classes and immediately fell in love with the photography process. I photographed anything I could: products, families, seniors, newborns... you name it, I did it. But it wasn't until I photographed my first wedding that I realized where my true love is! I learned much of the basics in my college photography class. I developed my skill as much as I could off of that education, but once I discovered that I truly wanted to do wedding photography, I invested as much as I could into furthering my newly discovered skill. There is so much online education that you can invest in that will accelerate your skill so easily and quickly, and I feel blessed to have come across some amazing educators that allowed me to be where I am today!

DJ: How would you describe your photography style? What inspires you as a photographer?

My photography style is a little on the "light and airy" side, but still remains true to color. I love deep blacks while also maintaining a light feel. I strive for a luxury, elevated, elegant look. It is imperative to me to maintain the same style whether I am shooting a large budget wedding or a small budget wedding. I truly believe you can make any wedding appear "high end" and that is my goal for every wedding I shoot. I love film photography and to a certain extent emulate a bit of a film look into my edits, but most of all the love and joy between my couples is what inspires me the most!

DJ: Is there someone in your life who has been inspiring in both your work and your walk with God?

My mom has been my #1 role model who inspires me to work hard, keep striving for perfection and staying close to God. She is the most kind, caring, loving, diligent, elegant, hard-working, God-fearing lady I know and I tell myself constantly that if my mom can do it, I can too. She has worked so hard raising my brothers and me, being a Pastor's wife and all of the many hats that come along with that role. Both she and my dad have taught me that it's imperative to have and maintain my own walk with God and I know it's because of them that I have the testimony that I am still serving the Lord today. Her love for God and His people is a great inspiration to me and reminds me that everything I do is for the will and glory of God.

DJ: What kind of advice and/or tips would you give other young women who are starting a photography business?

Before you dive too deep into a photography business, make sure it's something you love to do.Taking pictures is definitely the best part about it, but remember running a business is a different beast! Invest in good education. Find people who can mentor you and guide you making the right business decisions. And keep God at the center of it. If you lose sight of that, it can and will become overwhelming!

DJ: Is there anything else you would want our readers to know about you or your business?

I just want to express how deeply humbled, honored, and over joyed I am that I get to do what Ido! Truly, my couples are the highlight of my business. I can't end this without giving the biggestshout out to all of the beautiful couples I have been honored to work with! I am repeatedlyreminded how blessed I am to work with the best people and am just amazed at how God hasorchestrated each and every wedding I have been privileged to shoot. And not just my couples -their friends and family as well. Most of my business comes from referrals, which honestly is thegreatest compliment you could ever give a business. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you again, Elissa, for sharing about your amazing business! You can follow Elissa on Instagram @elissapacephoto

Enjoy a sample of her work!

Andrea Long

About Andrea Long

Andrea Long is wife to Clinton and mommy to Clark and Chantry. She is editor and manager of The Dainty Jewells Blog and part of the marketing team of Dainty Jewells. She is also a Registered Nurse turned stay-at-home mom of her two precious boys. Her life is full of adventure as she travels full-time with her evangelist husband and little ones in a "tiny home on wheels". She enjoys decorating her small space, time with her family, holistic health, a good book, a strong cup of coffee, and as much time at her piano as possible. Andrea considers herself very blessed to live this life for her Faithful Friend. Follow Andrea on Instagram @andreagrindlelong.
