
10 Ways to Stretch Your Food Budget

May 25, 2020 · by Guest Writer - Allison Cox

  1. Meal plan! Meal-planning saves time and money and helps make the most of what you buy. I don’t schedule the meals to a specific time: Each day I decide on whatever sounds good from my list.
  2. Use what’s in your pantry first. Some weeks, I’ll go to my canned goods and pick meals that will make the best use of those foods.
  3. Plan a meal or side around any food in your pantry or fridge that is close to expiring. This keeps food you've already purchased from going to waste.
  4. Always grocery shop with a list. Be sure to make this list after checking your pantry, and do your best to stick to the list!
  5. Don't shop hungry! I've been guilty of this a few times ... and I come home with foods I never eat, but they sound good when I'm starving!
  6. Get creative with leftovers. Instead of eating them the same way, use the meat in another dish. For example, instead of eating roast with rice and gravy a second time, you could shred the meat and eat it on hoagie buns.
  7. Freeze leftovers. This is a great way to not throw away extra food. It also helps later to be able to defrost and eat a fully cooked meal.
  8. Keep a few ingredients on hand for one or two easy meals. My favorite go-to is spaghetti in my instant pot, and I always keep the items I need to make it.
  9. Avoid buying convenience foods. While they are definitely true to name in the fact that they are convenient, they often cost much more than making the meal from scratch.
  10. Go meatless! Meat is usually the most expensive part of any meal. By switching to one meatless meal a week, the savings add up quickly.

Do you have any tips on making your food budget go a little further? Let us know on Instagram or Facebook!

Guest Writer - Allison Cox

About Guest Writer - Allison Cox

A Louisiana native turned Californian, Allison Cox is the pastor’s wife at The Rock Church of the North State. She is passionate about writing, crafting, and sharing the good news that Jesus still changes lives.

If she could share her heart with every teenage girl, Allison would say that living for God is truly the BEST life, and God has plans for your life that are far greater than you could ever imagine.

You can find her on Instagram @mrs_ncox
